Have you been Shpongleized?

Since I started my quest for new music several years ago I've come across some very interesting music from Thievery Corporation, LCD Soundsystem, Bonobo, to name a few. However, I'm shaking my head over Shpongle's Nothing Lasts but Nothing is lost. This CD is nothing less than phenomenal. To write their music off as Pyschedelia does a disservice IMO. Has anyone else been turned on to these guys?
Love Thievery Corp, and thanks to you I am now Shpongleyesed. Listened to some bits and ordered the whole lot....

It sounds like the kind of music I could really be driven crazy by....I must admit however the I might enjoy being Shpongelized, if only to blog about it to unsuspecting audiophiles.
I like Sphongle also, have several of their cd's....check out Richard Bone to continue this musical train of thought.
Some of the most interesting song titles I've seen in a while. I'll order a couple of them for a trial.
I say this over and over. Music discoveries is my favorite aspect of Audiogon.