Headphones - Senn HD 800 or Grado RS1i.......

Anybody here had the chance to compare the two. I see that this site leans more towards Grado while the general outside population leans towards the 800s as far as "best" goes.
Anyway, I am looking for soundstage and good bass too and will probably opt for one of these two models if they have these qualities.

Showing 1 response by podeschi

I agree regarding the T1s. I went to 32 Ohm Audio in Portland and listened to all the flagship models from Sennheiser (800s sounded to forward/bright/analytical); Grados (hard to ignore but too much going on with the sound/imaging), Denons (great bass), etc. The ones that were most musical to my ears, with speed and fluidity, were the Beyer T1s. Matching Beyerdynamic A1 headphone amp pairs nicely too.