Help in Selecting CD Player

My system consists of B&W N802's, Sherbourn 7 X 200 watt amp (I currently use for biamping), Sherbourn Processor and Cary SPL-2002 Preamp for 2 channel. I am in the market to purchase a CD player. I would like to purchase a player for around $1500, used on Audiogon of course. While not totally necessary, I would consider SACD a plus as I plan to complete a multichannel system. I am considering the Sony XA777es, Audio Aero Prima and Shandling T-200. Would you recommend one of these over the others or is there another player I should consider taking into account the characteristics of my system? I listen mainly to Blues, my wife likes country, but we listen to a little of everything as our tastes sometimes vary. Any suggestions from this fine forum are appreciated.

Showing 1 response by banksfriend

I have just finished breaking in a new QUAD 99cdp. WOW is all I can say. The TAS review is correct, great sound, extremely smooth, upsamples to 24/192. Check it out.