Help me buy my next DAC

I currently have Musical Fidelity V-Dac/2. I'm looking to upgrade and these are on my short list. My needs in a DAC are playing internet radio from my computer to my main audio setup. Also playing digital music from my hard drive. Here is my short list: Wadia 151 Power Dac Mini- Musical Fidelity M1 DAC- Sim Audio 100D DAC- Emotiva Stealth DAC

Any and all help would be truly appreciated. All recommendations would also be appreciated.
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Showing 1 response by simon

Look into the Resonessence Labs Concero HD. I just bought the Concero HP (headphone version) and it beat my April Music Eximus DP-1 and Mytek Digital Stereo192 dac hands down. Under $1000 and uses the 32bit ESS9018-2M Sabre DAC.