Help me with my movie selections

Sad to say, but I really haven't rented many movies in the past 5 years. I have a large collection of laser discs and some DVD's. I am using an excellent DAC & headphone rig for my sound system.

I enjoy a good screen play with an involving script, strong character development, actors that do more than just collect a paycheck, an interesting plot with twists, or a movie that is bizarre and out of the ordinary. In short, it doesn't have to be an Academy Award nominee, but something more than the typical Hollywood "formula" movie for the brain-dead.

Showing 1 response by schipo

You want Bizzare well try:

Pink Flamingos
Carnival of souls" good twist at the end
freaks" another great twist at the end
Eraser head
The sword and the dragon" this is a really cool and weird movie.