Hi Fi Tuning fuses

Has anyone used or is using HiFi Tuning fuses to benefit sound. Is is worth it to use in Ayre preamp, Mark Levinson 532h amp and possibly Benchmark DAC? Thanks for respectable replies.

Yes, given your proclivity for directionality, I thought you played for that team.


Cat a mite. 🥴
Yes, the direction was all in the same direction as the speaker cables. The fuses were also uniform
And this is a name imprinted on the fuse
Hi, the direction of writing on cables (unless specifically recommended) or the direction of the diode symbol or name on HiFi Tuning fuses are not (rpt not) the key to the correct direction.
Jeez Geoff, spoil my day will ya.. The only thing I had was the writing on the cable for my Cardas Parsec. The Kimber KS have a wood block with a directional arrow... I trust them to KNOW? I should be way more skeptical, and test them myself!!           
My big problem is laziness. I am too lazy to bother testing IC for direction. SO I will send back my AUDIOPHILE GURU badge immediately. Since I got it by sending in six Kellogg's "Froot Loops" boxtops.. No big deal. Though it was nice to have and flash at newbies....

I felt it improved the dynamics in my Cary tube amp but only if installed in the proper direction! Placed the opposite way it degraded the SQ."
@three_easy_payments, I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
@2channel8  yeah, I guess it could have been taken as sarcasm.  I was being serious.  Direction made a huge difference.
Now another direction person... Jeesh, maybe I should check? I will put it on my "to do" list. And by 2021 I may find time to do the check.(maybe I can fish my Audiophile badge back out of the mailbox?)
I did put them down as recommended
But I did not change the directions
In order to hear that the result was better than 

But I ask a simple question
If the companies we pay them so much

They can not do this for us
Because a difference of $ 200 is really negligible to the price
Which costs $ 3500, for example

I have never turned to hearing if there are differences
Only if they are different from the original and there is a difference.
There are many other changes like polarity in electricity, and it changes certain equipment in the 90's
What! Whoa! Another direction person?! OMG! What’s that make now, 40,001? Well, shut my mouth and call me corn pone! 😛
Most likely Kimber cables have arrows for some other reason than wire directionality. Maybe shielding direction, who knows? I never perceived Kimber as being at the forefront of Cable technology, but maybe that’s just me. What I do know is than many high end cable and electronics makers are at least two paradigm shifts behind the power curve. Fuses, wire directionality and power cords are excellent examples. It certainly appears they all either never got the memo, like yourself, or completely dismissed it as too much trouble to get involved with or else it’s just too late to change their ways. Mule metaphor.  Dog metaphor, Old dog, New tricks. 🐩
This year after upgrading lots ot bits, I probably can hear stuff like which way a pair of cables sound better...I may move the checking it out to a higher 'to do' than number 4,892,342 on the list.   
The recent breaking in of a whole pile of duplex outlets, then the current breaking in of new this week (6) Pangea AC14XL powercords(BTW they are not as good on the amplifier as on sources)Yes yes I still think about the Hurricane for my amp... That too is on the to do list (actually borrowing one is the to do.. buying is dependent on the sound)
Newbie about fuses. 
I'm looking at my 4 HIFI Fuses to swap out with original fuses from my Statos stereo amp. How can you tell in which direction to install them correctly?
You can’t tell by looking at them. You have to try them both ways, one at a time. One way will sound better than the other.
Why would we put any stock or trust in the opinions of audio equipment manufactures like Roger Modjeski, Nelson Pass, Roger Sanders, or any of the rest of them. What do they know about audio or electronics, anyway?

I’m thinking, though - If you have many thousands of $$$ in audio gear and it just doesn’t sound spectacular, instead of investing thousands more in cables and fuses, just change the direction of the cables and fuses you already have. Problem solved......Jim