Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?

Just wondering if the people that own any of these simply amazing HiDiamond cables can explain the characteristics and why/how they seem to create the live experience like no other cable has. THX in advance for sharing your thoughts....

Showing 13 responses by sabai

I think how they do it is the result of their research into making cables. What they do is unique so the sonic results are unique -- and very special. They certainly do reveal the live show in my system -- in spades -- like no other cables I have ever owned.
You stated "that cabling can only allow what your equipment is capable of to come through." Of course, you're absolutely correct. You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

You stated, "And has the most thorough and complete soundstage I have heard from my system." This is what I find stunning in my system now that the HiDiamonds are in place, the continuity within the sound stage.

I checked the HiDiamond website in Italy. They actually make their own cables at their Italian factory and they process the copper to a level of purity where no other cable company can compare. HiDiamond is a very well-researched and sophisticated product. The results that so many of us are hearing are no accident.
I have the SR speaker cells and will be adding the SR interconnect cells soon. I run them with the HD8 speaker wires. But my system is not typical because I run a lot of speaker elements in series with the HD8 wires:

Integrated amp > ASI liveline > Bybee speaker filters > Cardas Golden Cross > SR speaker cells > HD8 > Bybee Golden Goddess speaker bullets > Joseph Audio Pulsar monitors. Have I missed anything?

The results with the SR speakers cells are an enhanced refinement of all sonic parameters. But the cells are only one of many, many increments in my system. I would not expect miracles from them -- in spite of the marketing hype. What I can say is that they are one positive step in the right direction -- but only one step.

Unless you are getting a trade from SR or a dealer I would advise you to be patient till they come up on the after market. In my opinion the retail price of the cells is way over the top for what they deliver. Pound for pound you will get much better value if you buy used Bybee products. This is all IMO -- and from my personal experience with many SR and Bybee products.
I had the very same experience when I installed the D8 in my system. All sonic parameters improved dramatically. The whole musical experience took a quantum leap forward.
I just put a Power 3 PC into the Tesla Plex SE that is the beginning of my complex front end -- isolation transformer > power regenerator > 2 power conditioners. The results are amazing. There is no going back.
I agree with everything you have said about HiDiamond cables. I have a full HiDiamond loom having switched over from Synergistic Research. The HiDiamonds have been a game-changer for me. There is nothing like them that I have ever found in high end audio. The feelings of naturalness and realness that they produce are not duplicated by Synergistic Research, ASI Liveline, Nordost, Cardas or any other high end cables I have ever owned or auditioned.

I still have some SR products that I run in my system in series with other cables but they are not the core of my system anymore. HiDiamond has taken their place.
I have the top HD speaker cables. They were a real game-changer for my system. I would not be without them.
You hit the nail on the head. "These cables get you so involved ... that everything else just disappears." I have never experienced this level of involvement and naturalness with any other cables.
I am running my HiDiamond cables with the Galileo speaker cells. Everything sounds great -- really great -- but since my system is so refined and resolving I am going to try to get away with selling off the speaker cells to finance cable and tweak upgrades.

If you or anyone else is interested in a set of SR speaker cells please message me. I will give you first dibs when I put them up for sale formally on Audiogon. I will also be selling off my Powercell 10SE MKII soon on Audiogon, in case anyone is interested.

My terms are always free shipping worldwide and free PayPal fees. And my prices are always very attractive. I am not greedy. So, my items usually sell within the first 24 hours. Both 110-volt and 230-volt MPCs will be available for the Powercell and the speaker cells, with the possibility of 230-volt Galileo MPCs of you wish this important upgrade. I just sold my SR Interconnect cells on Audiogon within a few hours of putting them up for sale.
You stated, "What they trying to hide?" I think that there would be long list of companies on your "hide list" that have nothing at all to hide. There are many reasons why companies do not have a loan policy. Using "loaded" language to make insinuations is not very helpful, IMO. This never deterred me at all regarding HD cables or any other audio company, for that matter. Life is an adventure, not an insurance policy. I am very glad I made the choice to try HD cables. They are all keepers in my system.