Hidiamond Cables, Do these reveal the live show?

Just wondering if the people that own any of these simply amazing HiDiamond cables can explain the characteristics and why/how they seem to create the live experience like no other cable has. THX in advance for sharing your thoughts....

Showing 3 responses by zmanastronomy

Revealing the live show is asking a lot from cables. If your system is capable of the live music sound, then the right cables can allow it to show up in the end result.
Transparency in IC's and SC's are a must to let the dynamics and attack come through. PC's are a science in it's self. The right PC can have a very pos. effect on livelyiness and attack. I don't use HD cables, I can't comment on them. But I have experimented with other brands enough to know that cabling can only allow what your equipment is capable of to come through.
Just my 2 cents worth.
These HiDiamond cables sound interesting. Is there a 30 day offered on them ?
I use Elrod PC's and love them. Can anyone tell me how the HD's compare ? Thank you.
Does anyone know how they compare to Elrod PC's.
I'm using Elrod's and can echo what is being said about the HD PC's with my Elrod's.
I'm all for trying new PC's, but I would like to hear from someone that has compared the two.
Does HD have a 30 day return. If so I would love to try a PC. If they best the Elrod, they would be something special.