Hidiamond vs Hifidelity interconnects

Anyone have direct experience comparing the 2 brands?

Showing 7 responses by bigkidz

In reading about these two cable manufacturers, some of the comments were interesting. The HF cable seems to offer more clarity but seems to lack in comparison the emotion. I think I understand this description but I want to clarify by asking does piano, stand-up bass, large drums and horns have the correct tone, bite and what I call wood around the sound? IMO, I prefer the wood around the instruments sound and do not want lose that for what some describe as clarity or what has been described as natural sounding. If the speed of the cable takes that away then IMO the cable has a sound to it. Yes the cable that provides the more wood tone/sound also has a sound, but it is one that I prefer.

So if someone can clarify which of the cables provide the sound that I prefer (maybe you don't prefer) so that I can make my decision about which cable to try first in my system.

Thanks for your replies and Happy Listening.
Fplanner2000, I think there was an initial HF interconnect and I think there have been changes to that design that took the cable from not only improving clarity and speed but to adding more of what I call the wood of instruments sound. SO I would like to know if anyone knows if this is true or what changed from the initial cable launch to the current version.

What I called "wood" sound others call flesh, emotion, etc. I get that part. I also find it hard to evaluate some opinions since the system is not listed. I can understand some of the comments on how each cable sounds but with regards to bass, that is a tricky one. I have recently changed speakers and each speaker has a different sound and reproduces each frequency range differently. I have read some comments on bass reproduction and I would like to know what speakers you are using because I don't feel that each speaker can really reproduce certain lower mid bass and lower bass frequencies that well. So the comments to me are not that helpful overall in understanding those observations. It also seems that some use cables to correct a system failure such as clarity, depth, dimension, soundstage. In my experience most of that comes from the preamp. My partner and I build are own preamp and I would seriously doubt that what we build anyone else has really experienced. Not to say that your system or preamp isn't doing what you want it to do but in the design, I found it hard to choose the sound for the preamp because each part had an overall change to the sound, similar to how many are describing how each cable changes the sound to their liking. The preamp I build actually has a selector switch so that you can change the sound to one you prefer with your system. I found it hard to build something that was only for my system or my ears or based on the sound that I preferred, like most of the comments above. I have been out of the cable game for some time now as designing the preamp took close to three years and I am still making final adjustments. Getting back to the cable comparisons, I think I understand the differences between the cables, some feel that the HD cable is more emotionally involving, and that is what I felt the HF cable lacked when I heard the original beta test cable I heard. I spoke to Rick about this and he told me that he understood what I was referring to and that he was using a longer burn in on the cables that would eliminate this. I have not had the time to play around with cables but was interested in knowing what everyone was hearing. SO thanks for the comments and keeping the thread informative versus one person bashing the other cable.

Happy Listening.

PS anyone in the NYC area? I would love to hear the cables in your system.

So can you describe the difference in the AT versus the HD cables? Which model of the HD are you using, what versions did you try? Last what version of the HD ICs would begin to offer better sound compared to the AT ICs?
Thanks Paz307. Your description is helpful. I will hook up with HiFiAl and see what I hear in my system. I use Audio Tekne interconnects which are Litz design, 500 copper strands. They really dig deep in to the music especially in the mids but lack a little bit in the upper frequencies. The beta HF cables I tested were very good but I thought they lacked that emotion or "wood" as I call it. For example stand up bass just did not have the full sound of the wood of the bass instrument, same with piano. It was more detected in direct comparison of each cable. As I mentioned, I spoke to Rick about this and he advised me that the newer design changed this and it was mostly because of the amount of time to break the cables in and how he cooked them before sending them out or something like that.

Happy Listening!