High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?

This is a spin off from a meeting held by audio designers where the primary discussion was about high-end audio and how to get the younger generation interested & involved in high-end audio. One of the speakers mentioned that his son was not the least bit interested in his rig and if something was to happen to him, his son stated it all would be put up for sale on Ebay.

I thought it would be interesting to put this discussion forth to this audio community and to get opinions on the above subject. Are audiophiles a dying breed and what could rekindle this hobby for all new generations.
"06-21-14: Dave_72
Keep in mind that this is primarily a North American problem. And it's due to a number of factors, most of which have already been addressed here. However, audio (and high end audio) is thriving elsewhere in the world, especially in the Far East!"

He's exactly right on that. If you've ever been to CES, most of the people there are Asian. (I'm talking about the high end section in the hotels, not the convention center). I have a couple of friends that are into vintage tube gear. They can't find enough stuff to buy and ship overseas fast enough. Huge crates packed with gear. They send it all to China.
Thank you. That's what I was getting at. China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, even India...all crazy about hi-fi and high end audio. It's almost fully ingrained into their cultures its that popular. There's Europe too, but not as much.
I have heard from a couple of USA manufacturers that 75% of their business is from Asia. Rather ironic that most Americans buy Asian audio gear while the Asians are buying American gear.
Jmcgrogan2, it is interesting that the Japanese people love american made audio gear and motorcycles. Last time I read they also embrace the American 1950's lifestyle. I don't think they have bought into the new hip hop scene. I wonder what manufacturers from Asia that Americans seek.
Actually, PhD, I was in Japan two months ago and was flabbergasted at just how much hip hop culture has influenced pop culture there. It is very obvious in TV programming and commercials and the way young people dress. Rap in Japanese is something to experience :-) In Korea it was even more prevalent.

While it is true that in Asia there is a deep interest in most things American I think the overriding issue (as much as one can fairly generalize about these things) is that the Japanese love quality; not only American quality. The main reason for the soaring price of certain French made vintage musical instruments is the hoarding by Japanese collectors.