High end vs internet

My local dealer tells me that the internet has killed
high end sales.I would like to hear everybodys opinion
about this(including dealers)!
I'm sidestepping the question, but just want to say that I have *never* had an all-around completely satisfactory experience in any shop. Some have been tolerable-to-okay, but none excellent. To one degree or another, all assistance I have ever received from even the most otherwise-pleasant shop salespeople and owners has suffered from a combination of ignorance, arrogance, and a placing of higher priority on *telling* the customer whatever their agenda might be, rather than *listening* to what the customer says first. Even with the least offending of them, I have always had to consciously maneuver around their shortcomings as salespeople in these areas in order to get what I want out of the encounter.
Tok20000,I disagree with your logic.For most of those who pay 30k for a piece there is no big difference whether to pay 20k or 30k;in fact,sometimes 30k is even better.Business people know it and make more money.I salute them, but these things do force me to think about the money flow in our society.
Taters, I think your dealer meant to say the internet has killed *HIS* high end sales. The internet has allowed for a more democratic high end, where consumers have choices beyond the retailers carried lines. The internet has helped chip away at the collusion that promoted price fixing. If more dealers actually provided the service they purport to, they would have little to worry about. Brick and mortar retailers should have an advantage. One can simply walk into a shop (preferably with an appointment) and hear quite a few carefully set up systems in a realively short period of time to determine their preferences and make their individual value judgements. To rotate online merchandise til one finds an appropriate "system" could be exhaustive and indirectly expensive. Of course the dealer needs to understand that his listening room is not the customers and be willing to make adjustments on the customers behalf as needed. Customers of course have to respect the inherent cost of this service and support the dealers. If at any point one realizes that one is definitley not going to do the business at hand with a dealer, that individual should have the courtsey to excuse themselves. Customers who waste the time of dealers only to purchase elsewhere are just wrong.
Hey Y'all,

foreverhifi2000, I admire the dedication and passion you obviously bring to your profession. But not everyone in hi-end retail offers the same intensity as you do when it comes to customer service. I've been into audio, albeit as a consumer only, for 28 years and my experience, with most retailers, was almost enough to chase me into another hobby. Please, don't get me wrong, I've come across some very nice and helpful people in retail. But for the most part there has been condescension, pomposity, disregard and much to much ego for one to have to put up with. That is why I include finding Audiogon in my nightly prayers. In just the last 2.5 years, I've learned more and met some of the nicest people, both grunts and sales people, then I had ever before. AND I have been able to put together a system that I would have never imagined before. You do have a point, if the retailer offers everything that you mention, there should be no threat and thus no worries. I feel that the internet and used sales are only effecting the retailers that do not offer the same things that you so strongly point out as being THE most important things they can offer the consumer, an excellent buying experience and great customer service.......John
In the end you get what you pay for. Then internet offers the consumer lower prices, but it also offers substantially less service. Ultimately, I think those who rely soley upon on-line retailers will have a much harder time getting high quality sound than those who have access to a quality bricks & mortar retailer. As evidence I point to any number of Audiogon forum posts where people wonder why there systems composed of quality components doesn't sound very good. Without the possibility of auditioning equipment what is the real chance of proper system matching? Another benefit of using a B&M retailer is that you get the chance to listen to well matched systems in well designed rooms. For myself this exposed me to the limits of what is possible in reproduced sound. In the long run the internet will help the audiophile market because of its greater exchange of information and the fact that it will spur B&M retailers towards offering better levels of service. At the same time it will not be without costs. Many retailers will not survive, manufacturers will alter their warranty policies and consumers will have to rely increasingly more upon anecdotal stories and on-line "buzz" for advice.