High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

Bill, congrats on the UR speaker cable. I'm definitely going to get some UR speaker cable after hearing my UR digital cable totally alter perception. Making the choice is easier that coming up with the money.

On the Ultimate Reference Wave Guide Power Conditioner, which Norm, Rick and I have.
UR WGPC has three large UR speaker cable waveguides ($16K)
The UR power cord has 3 UR interconnect waveguides. ($10,900. 1M, + $675 for each 1/2M added.)
I have not heard the power cords yet.
I'm sure the power cords are as great as all Rick's other products, but I don't think they would replace the UR WGPC. I'll never let go of mine.

FYI: there are also Ultimate WGPC and power cords.
Welcome Jmcgrogan2 & Acman3, to this "High Fidelity" thread .
It's true, the best of the CT-1 series cost dearly.
I'm selling my $10,000 Ultimate speaker cables to buy the $15,000
Ultimate Reference. (prices reflect 2.5Meter cables). Each piece of HF gear was a stretch for me but the results………worth every penny!!

Also true, these cables create an image and a "realness" that I could not have imagined possible. Reviewers and bloggers have gone crazy over this new magnetic transmission method and their Unbelievable - Unequalled results.

I kind of like the challenge of working out how to come up with huge piles of cash to advance my audio nirvana. Still, the Ultimate and Ultimate Reference cables are going to be out of reach for all but the wealthiest or craziest of us. (i'm not wealthy so…)

Also, I'm fairly sure the people on this thread already have audio systems. ;-) Dave
;-) Dave
HF prices, Thanks Friends for the interesting off topic discussion.
Back to High Fidelity, I just received a price list that includes the power
cables so I'd thought I'd let those interested know.
Power Cables
Ct-1 Ultimate $6,900 / 1 meter ,$675 additional 1/2 meter.
CT-1 Ultimate Reference $10,900, $675 add 1/2 meter.
photo's and reviews coming soon.
the music is playing and I'm having the most fun ever.
Audiolabyrinth & Morningstaraudio, Thank you for echoing my excitement over this world changing development of MAGNETIC CONDUCTION. Those who have not heard could not possibly know how dramatically they change the face of signal transmission beyond anything ever heard before. I'm happy to be one of the "wildly enthusiastic" group.
The long list of glowing reviews and a 2 year thread do indicate something very special is going on here but one would still have to hear it to have any hope of comprehending. Even hearing it I have trouble comprehending this "So Real" experience.
In 30 + years of audio, the most annoying trait for me to deal with is "contempt prior to investigation". though caution, and even skepticism can be helpful, close-mindedness will never help get
anyone get anywhere new. I would categorize myself an an"early adapter" so I'm comfortable hanging with you guys on the cutting edge.
The music is so good here that I laugh out loud.

I'm so excited when I hear my system now with UR digital and U speaker cables that I want to run out and drag folks in to listen, saying,"Do you believe this sound". partly because I'm having a hard time fathoming just how real it sounds. I play the system much more ofter and I'm loving it. In the coming weeks I will have Audio reviewers, designers,
builders, hi end audio store owners, musicians, audiophiles and others
over to listen. I'm so grateful a close friend of mine turned me on to High Fidelity Cables a year ago. They has brought music so real I must forget what I've learned about audio the previous 35 years and to start anew in this era of High Fidelity Magnetic Magic.
Leicachamp, The CT-1 was years in development and for me a real eye opener in the potential of Magnetic conduction. The openness, effortlessness and natural sound showed me something wonderful
and exciting I had never experienced. Then I heard the 1E and it was a lot better. adding to my excitement and fun.
Having followed the progress closely, I've seen Rick get even more excited as he experimented with magnets 10 times stronger. Rare earth magnets are produced in limited quantity and are 10 x more expensive.
( i think they use magic meteorite dust)
Continuing to add more and bigger and more powerful, expensive
magnets have continued to advance the miraculous magnetic effects.
I liked Jack Roberts article, Dogogo feb 2014. in the end he rates all the cables he has heard in 3 decades from 0 to 100% .
HF UR 100%, HF U, 75%, HF E 60%, HF CT-1 50%,
Although I agree that all other cables I've tried in 30+ years are less than High Fidelity cables, my experience puts the Ultimate at least 4 times better than Enhanced, and the UR
10 to 100 times better than the Ultimate. YMMV
It appears no one is ordering CT-1 new anymore and they appear on Audiogon and other sites as audio friends are able to move up the line. I'm sure all the CT-1's made will be enjoyed for years to come and i believe if there were orders coming in they would be filled. D
New HF articles on the way!
I hear Reviewers are working on new articles about the
HF Ultimate Reference products. the next new report on UR cables
and the first official report on the HF UR Magnetic Wave Guide Power Filter. I'm excited to read these when they appear.
Nic10pin, I have found it fun to experiment with different materials and
methods for waveguide iso. A friend of mine makes isolation tables so I have tried 3 different size iso platforms with 2 types of feet.
Finite Element cerabase classics and Stillpoint Mini SS.
l like the larger base (which is 14' x 18' x 2.5") with stillpoints.
I also have damping blocks in top of the waveguides and some Rf If shielding around. This gives me the best sound so far.
Hopefully, soon I will be completely re arranging my equipment set up
and, at that time, i plan to experiment with raising my cables up by adding a pedestal stands under the iso tables. I may experiment with ceramic but isolated from the floor and the touching waveguides.
To me, ceramic by itself sounds like ceramic- cold and hard.
I believe that you could use different types of wood, ceramic coffee cups, ceramic risers, a speaker stand for a small speaker, lead filled wooden stand. IMO I would avoid too soft a material like carpet, cardboard, plastic OR too hard material like glass, granite, concrete blocks, steel, brick and never use orange clay flower pots (sound awful). I like the sound of Baltic Birch plywood.
Do you know Tsushima1, Roger from London?
Thanks Nic, for you response.
Fyi that was Baltic birch plywood, birch trees that grow in cold weather
grow more slowly and are therefore, more dense with closer grain.
sound better that warm weather birch. if one wishes to nitpick.
I've been really enjoying all the interesting posts of late!
Audiolabyrinth, I've started looking for isolators to try TGB's idea so I'd be interested in what you find also. I will be trying at least 3 very different ways to support waveguides in the coming months and, as most folks know, I like to expound on my discoveries.
Tom, Thanks. Audiolabyrinth, Thanks.
Great to learn even more ideas on this.
Tweakaholics Unite!!
Theaudiotweak, about non ferrous knife edge- How about a ceramic knife blade!!!
about airborne vibration, I have seen using weight (mostly lead)
on power and signal cables for some time with Wonderful results.
One need put the right amount weight, of the right type, in the right places. Achieving that produces exceptional low noise, air, bass, dynamics, detail and listening fun.
I have 2 five pound lead filled wood blocks on my CT-1 U Speaker waveguides. as well as the Mini's and platforms mentioned by Tbg
Thanks Tom, interesting ideas that remind me of my approach and teaches me more. I have used hundreds of freezer zip lock bags over 3 decades in weights from a few ounces to 50 pounds. I have found only one size and one type of lead shot works well and the rest do not. Hint; if you haven't tried #6 chilled, you haven't heard lead at its best. I have tried a number of materials as well. the choice is endless so I haven't tried them all. Do you have any specific items to try?
At times, with lead, I must place another material between the lead and the item to be damped to prevent overdamping. I listen very carefully to Not lose"air", "space" and hi fq. detail.
I still use 11 VPI bricks also for weight and to pull magnetic fields away from circuitry.
Example: Inside my amp I have 3 vpi bricks, 4 lead filled wooden blocks, 5 tiny slivers of wood, a dozen squares of plywood, 15 various
size bags of lead, some Rf If shielding and maybe more i have forgotten about. The amp sits on layers of isolation devices.
With virtually every component in the amp damped, shielded and isolated, sound I hear is wonderful to my ears. (and other ears as well)
best system I've ever heard. So, pretty good then;-)
I love experimenting but about parameters, The human mind can think up more things to try than a human can do in a lifetime.
My never-ending list just gets bigger with time. That is why sharing is
vital. Thanks everyone.
P.S. I could use 4 more VPI Bricks if anyone knows of some for sale.
Tom, further thoughts on damping.. You may see by my last post that I have experimented with different size and types of the same material to find the right one. Took trying a lot of different lead shot to find the correct size and the correct % of antimony additive in the lead to sound best. I also use lead bars. I have worked with many metals, woods and mixes of materials. inside bags and inside wooden blocks of different woods. I have even found one static shielding bag that sounds better than plastic bags in some applications. I've never gotten steel shot or sand to sound good and brass has always sounded brassy but there are thousands of other sizes, shapes, amounts of materials I have used, or haven't, that I could try if I live forever. I also have spent years working on every part of my power
system, years on room acoustics, years on speaker and component mods. I test new components, tweaks, cables, power inlets and outlets, filters, shielding devices and I build a lot of power cords.
I do a lot of listening to music also so time for damping tests is limited. 20 years ago I realized that I would never run out of things to try. I am about to try… HF UR cables, new wire for my 7 power cords,
more Stillpoints, bell bronze heat sinks, a few new CD's, a better set of speakers, some different size iso platforms, advanced equipment rack tuning, a new amp and to find a lot of money to continue my audio madness. I'm thrilled to be busy with my audio dream.
Enjoy the Music
Tbg, I agree that the processes and never ending parameters are frustrating at times and as I age, the heavy lifting gets harder.
What lifts my spirits about tests is my successes, which come weekly,
and allow me to peer further into the presentation. Each success has me feeling good about discovering something new and I can imagine my self as a cutting edge pioneer for a moment. Another really fun thing for me is that, any improvements I make these days reveal music, images, presentations that I've never heard anywhere before and could not have known were possible. Revelations!
I say that the hugest upgrade in my system ever is Ricks HF inventions. Thanks again Rick and Thanks ALL for participating in this
Geoffkait, yes I agree with what you have said, thank you.
I've had success isolating transformers from the chassis and stressing
the circuit boards also. I've found it helpful to use hot glued wooden circuit board standoffs in the past BUT I'm experimenting with Stillpoint Standoffs ( one of Stillpoint's OEM product line ) with ball bearings.
Your idea of damping top plate of isolation stands works for me also.
I get more music by putting a little damping on some of my damping and isolation devices. I've discovered more playback info using two iso platforms on top of each other with Stillpoint under each and under the component. crazy but it works. another direction is Stillpoint's no shelf equipment racks, well designed racks with attached stillpoints no shelves. Like all of Stillpoint's stuff, surprisingly effective and surprisingly expensive.
I don't think I've mentioned that I have the ugliest system ever with so much cr#& piled on it that you can't see the components. I'm using
multi layers of heavy duty aluminum foil between each component and between speakers and components for RF IF interference with strikingly good sonic effects. I have over 30 tube traps in my small room, 6 behind each speaker and a 7 foot tall "Stonehenge" circle around the listening area effectively canceling unwanted room reflections, each tube trap fine tuned by ear. One begins to expect that I have no family around and no life other than Audio??
I'm having a lot of fun with audio friends and I'm tingling with excitement as I await my HF UR Speaker cable. Dave
I've enjoyed resent posts. Thanks for all of your inputs. I can say I have experimented with components designed for resonance tuning and have used some damping to improve their sound to my ears. Recording Studio folks and "Big Dawg" audio people have been impressed also so not just my ears.. I wish I could hear more of your systems and you could hear mine, music speaks louder than words..
Anyone live within 250 miles of Austin?
I've not heard a system I like better than mine. If I did, I'd wanna git me some. I have heard much general philosophy on resonance tuning here but not much detail on things to try myself. I believe that it takes a combo of tuning and damping to get it all. I can be open minded and my system is not finished (never finished), so I'm happy to try something new. I HAVE tried a lot of things already. ;-) Enjoy Dave
Audiolabyrinth, Tbg, Thanks for sharing things that did not work. I had a close friend who had an over damped room with heavy curtains, tube traps with heavy cloth, absorptive material on other walls ext. it lacked some life which I did not like although it had many other great qualities.
I shutter to imagine electronic room stabilizers, hate the idea and work to keep my signal path pure and simple. I've heard lead sound awful and tube traps sound awful and vibration transfer + vibration damping sound awful. I've heard many products I did not like that others hear did. I believe we each perceive sound differently and prefer our choice of sonic clues. That's cool, folks are different, that is why they make Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry!
In my room, the walls ceiling and floor are bare to offer life. the tube
traps are actually my own redesign, much better and very finely tuned. The combo of damping materials I choose and the applications
are very specific. I would never have a coffee table in the way of the music or a high back chair to listen from. but that's just me.
Gotta go, have folks coming over to listen. ENJOY
My High Fidelity Cables- Ultimate Reference Speaker Cables are just about here!!! I'm So excited to get them after hearing the effects of Ultimate Reference digital cable and UR magnetic power filter. UR speaker cables will give me a full loom of Ultimate Reference. The Ultimate Speaker cables I'm using now are mind blowing and they've helped redefine the words amazing, lifelike, natural, real, and detailed.
I've already heard how huge the improvement is between Ultimate and Ultimate Reference so I know it will be worlds better, but since every improvement I make theses days puts me into "never heard anything so wonderful anywhere", I have no reference to compare.
Also, all the descriptors have already been used to describe lessor products so even eloquent phrasing will fall far short of adequate for
painting an accurate picture of High Fidelity Cable's superiority.
You just Gotta hear this revolution to know what is possible.
Hope your enjoying the music!
I know I am!!
Thanks Nick, I'm happy you're enjoying these revolutionary cables too!
I've learned so much about magnetic conduction in the past 18 months.
I've heard unbelievable, unequalled improvements with High Fidelity products and I'm surprised at every upgrade's incredible advances.
There is much more to come from High Fidelity. Try to imagine a bypass cap and other internal components with magnetic technology…
Most have not yet heard the power side of the HF line which is every bit as astonishing as the signal products. Truly amazing!
I wonder about how to let people know about this monumental, must have, no going back, Revolution in audio playback???
Those who have not heard it could not possibly know just how Cataclysmic HF's magnetic technology will be. 20 reviews and years of blogs fall short because all the words have been used up on far less
world changing items. I know folks who never read reviews or blogs. From what I have learned and heard…I believe all manufacturers will have to go to Magnetic conduction to stay in the game. A bold claim and perhaps I'm preaching to the choir. I have people over once or twice a week to listen and I have lent HF cables to Stores, companies and friends, and it talk about HF a lot. This is slow going. I've seen how blogging on other sites can go horribly wrong ;-0. It'll be interesting to follow the progress. Happy listening to all! Dave
Silemus, First welcome! I think the Cable Company still has a loaner program for High Fidelity cables but I don't know where you live.
An interesting note about these cables, They are not cables in the traditional sense of word. They operate on different principals and pass
signal and power so much more successfully (and naturally) that they can't be compared to cords or cables from the past. Hearing HF cables is a novel and wonderful experience of something More, something better than we had all heard before. Within the 20+ reviews and 675 posts on this thread, there are many great words describing this new phenomena of magnetic conduction and it's sonic superiority.
The Sound of HF cables is even better that words can say.
Jmcgrogan2, John, I would have to agree with Tbg, Calloway and Charles1dad that these cables are very special, not like any other cables ever. But that claim has been made many times before as you eluded to. 18 months ago, before I heard High Fidelity Cables, I was in the same place as many. I've heard almost every fancy cable and special new designs in 3 decades. A friend told me about them and I started reading
articles and blogs and technical info on the design idea. I was impressed by reports on this NEW way of signal and power transmission and thought it might be a serious game changer. I was still NOT prepared
for how much better they sounded (by a large margin)(in every aspect) than anything I heard in my 30+ years of testing.
I'm sure You and Silemus will love them once you do get around to hearing them.
Enjoy the music!!
I'm relieved that I wasn't the only one who got the wind knocked out of
over the misplaced post. Wouldn't it be great if there could be a comparison between the two. I tend to think that we would be comparing a new wire technology with something beyond wire.
BTW, Rick has developed a new super cable without wire just magnets all the way thru. The cost would make UR look like a bargain and a speaker cable would be more than my first house but the sound is an education into what wire is doing wrong.
Audiolabyrinth, Ok please send me a set of Tara's from you store and I will try them. ;-)
Just because I was polite about a comparison the other day does not mean I wish to continue a Tara discussion on this thread.
Calvinj, Thanks for your report.
In you post you mentioned hoping to try HF UR Cables. I really hope you get to.
I find it difficult to quantify the improvements as you move up the line of High Fidelity products because the higher tiers are not just a huge improvement. It's more like a whole new world is reviled. It's like a glimpse at the impossible. Like the known world was black and white
and the Ultimate Reference reveals a vivid colorful universe too lifelike to comprehend. For me to say that the UR is somewhere between 10 and 100 times better then the Ultimates indicates that the Ultimate Reference made a miraculous transformation of my system beyond anything I have ever heard on any system anywhere!
Gentlemen, It seems like our thread has been invaded with a few people trying to cause trouble and i am not sure how to reach the monitors.
Jmcgrogan2, Why do you think it's ok to post what others have said on other posts just to give someone a hard time? How is that discussing High Fidelity cables??
High Fidelity cables are wonderful, intriguing, game changing ect.
I hope all who wish to post here will be respectful of others and keep on topic.
Bill, Thanks so much for your report. I look forward to hearing more from you over time.
Bill, Thanks so much for your report. I look forward to hearing more from you over time.
Jmcgrogan2, perhaps you are not aware that you are still Not posting on topic. this thread is not about creating drama, hidden agendas, or why you won't buy High Fidelity cables. I plan on speaking with the monitors about this, Jcalvin, your posts are also being looked at also.
I realize you guys are posting only to get a responses so i will be responding to monitors about you from this point on.
enjoy the music
Leicachamp, Thanks for your report. As you say the CT-1 is the base model. Ct-1 is great!!! but only vaguely hints at the miraculous image, solidity, naturalness, air, dynamics
and the "like you are there" presentation the Ultimate brings. I look forward to hearing your impressions of the ultimate.
Audiolab, I'd love to hear you impressions of HF please.
that's why we come here.
I've never enjoyed music more. hope that is true for all of you!!
Tbg, Thanks for your post. Shockingly Superior. Excellent 2 word description of the difference between HF Ultimate and Ultimate Reference.
An audiophile visited yesterday. One who has been to every US audio show many times. They said the best systems they've heard over the years was ones with uber expensive tube amps and my system was every bit as good as the best systems ever and they could not hear ANY faults. I can't imagine what my system will sound like when my new UR Speaker cables finally arrive.
Happy listening to all… Dave
Tbg, Thanks for your post. Shockingly Superior. Excellent 2 word description of the difference between HF Ultimate and Ultimate Reference.

An audiophile visited yesterday. One who has been to every US audio show many times. They said the best systems they've heard over the years was ones with uber expensive tube amps and my system was every bit as good as the best systems ever and they could not hear ANY faults. I can imagine what it will sound like with my new UR Speaker cables
Hurray!- Haza!- Whoopee! I just heard that my long and anxiously awaited HF-Ultimate Reference Speaker Cables are to ship Monday!!!
I've been wanting them for at least the last 5 or 6 pages.
When I went from Ultimate to UR on my digital cable, it was, As Tbg said, "Shockingly Superior". Worlds better in every way. My experience with High Fidelity Products has me expecting to be totally shocked all over again. ENJOY!!! Dave
UR cables are singing sweetly in my system with 48 hrs of playtime.
My Ultimate Reference Speaker cables are already surprisingly superior
to the Ultimates in two days. since the UR takes 600 - 1000hrs to really show what they can do, I have confidence they will reach Shockingly Superior in due time. Image, bass and realism were the best I've ever heard with the HF Ultimates. I/we were awed by how much more is possible, buy how much more the Ultimate Reference delivers!! Wow!
High Fidelity Cable products have been a wonderful ride so far. Opening up new vistas in "life like" re-production with every upgrade. Each step a re education in amazing. The UR cables are again, so superior to their predecessor that I need time to comprehend such a huge alteration. Perception questioned, then redefined as the Ultimate Reference are not merely way better then the Ultimates, the UR's are a different universe…or heaven!
Thank you Rick
Tbg, that's wonderful news!! …….I want some.
Funny What HF products do.
Most product comparisons end in an "aha" moment where one is way better than the other. Improvements in High Fidelity stuff brings
disbelief, amazement and awe because HF designs allow music to be heard in a new way. Much more real than I/we imagined possible. So realistic that it confounds the brain for a time. Too wonderful to be comprehended.
you said, "more to come but not here". A curious statement.
If not here, where? if not now, when would be my question?
Thanks Norm,
Enjoy the music- Dave
Entheuasiam- strong excitement about something : a strong feeling of active interest in something that you like.
Sweet music is playing thru my Ultimate Reference speaker cables 24/7 and I'm really enjoying music more all the time. They have about 270 hours on them now. They have gotten wonderfully more liquid and effortless.
The superb soundstage and increased tonal quality surprises. As a matter of fact, everything that was surprising about the Ultimate cables is even MORE surprising with the Ultimate Reference cables.
SO VERY REAL SOUNDING!!! At the risk of repeating myself- WOW!!!
;-), D
Tonereef, Nice post on head-fi, Thanks. The Ultimate Reference are
truly superior and will delight you even more as the get hundreds of hours on them.
Good listening!
Snook2, My first Ultimate to Ultimate Reference comparison here was
exchanging MY U digital from CD to integrated amp. I was using Ultimate Speaker Cables at the time. Also one of Ricks power filters
(UR-Magnetic Waveguide Power Conditioner) which is a HUGE game changer by itself. HUGE!
"I digress"……. The UR digital was a picture window into
audio reproduction with so much more depth and shape and solidity to the soundstage, and so much more natural- real sounding i have not looked back. I'm now breaking in UR Speaker cables as well with the Ultimates on loan to a store. I could try it when i get them Back.
Cheers! Dave
Tbg, You said a few weeks back the your UR speaker cables were "shockingly superior" after a month of break in.
Was that shocking superior to the Ultimates?
or shockingly superior to everything you've heard?
If you care to share you wisdom and experience.
Thanks Dave
400 hours on the Ultimate Reference Speaker cables and more surprises. The most surprising improvements this week are the Bass,
the soundstage and the air around instruments and vocals. All three were aspects of the sound were already phenomenal with the Ultimate speaker cable and even more so with UR's insertion. With playing time these aspects reach uncharted vistas of wonderful. Such fun being awed every listening session.
Question- at night I have my system playing ultra low and I wonder how much that counts? does volume 1 out of a possible 80 steps, (so low that you would have to put you ear right next to the driver to hear), help break in the magnetic cables? or does it have to be louder?
Finding- The UR cables are much more refined than the U so the UR's
require more refined tuning for optimum function. If your into that tweaking thing.
Sweet music for all
Tbg, Thanks for the reply.
I too am continually amazed by Ricks Audio brainchild,
The HFC line.
During our regular scheduled weekend listening party, I/we were again amazed. Incredible how my old audiophile friends and I, after 35 years of working and playing with, and listening very closely to audio, are made like children again. Each week we seem to travel into uncharted territory with High Fidelity magic.
My HFC Ultimate Reference speaker cable continues to open new and awesome vistas as they achieve more hours of play.
Listening a lot more and enjoying music more than ever these days.
Thanks for all the fun Rick.
CalvinJ, happy you got to hear that HFC combo. I SO much want to hear the HF power cables with my HF cables and HFC-UR Magnetic power conditioner. Hard to imagine how it could sound better than it does now but it always seems to with a new HF piece. I await a new amp as my old one can't keep up with the High Fidelity Cable goodies.
Enjoy the Music
Calvinj, Thanks for the question.
I gave up on name brand equipment long ago when I realized they must use cheap parts to meet a price point. Also, I discovered I could get way better equipment for way less money.
All my equipment is custom built, severely modified and painstakingly tuned. This includes the speakers, racks, shelves and hundreds of tuning devices. It also includes custom everything from the electric meter to components (example: hydraulic-magnetic circuit breakers instead of the standard thermal breakers, directionalized 10 gage wire. ext…) The room and room acoustics are custom also.
The new amp I mentioned in last post has been in design/development for 15 months. It is a dual mono integrated amp with dual outboard power supplies and a battery front end. It uses a number of discrete components from NewClassD in Denmark and has no ordinary parts, wire or chassis. Imagine bell bronze heat sinks.
The only big brand names I'm using are High Fidelity Cables and Stillpoints. Both Amazing!! I use several CD enhancements i would not want to listen without. The best I've found are.. Essence of Music - disc cleaner. Marigo Audio - Disc mat. Hifi Tuning - disc demag.
High Fidelity Cable products make the biggest improvement ever!!
I have no stake in any of these 5 companies.
Enjoy the Music
I agree, it takes some good fortune to find designers/builders with all the right qualities. As well as a lot of work, research, and trying a lotta items and auditioning peoples work for the "fortune" to happen.
The guy's I work with all have a drive to find the ultimate realism possible and are willing to go to absurd lengths to achieve this, like myself. This type of research ends up costing me $10,000+ on things that did not work, and much more on items that were soon superseded. Most audio folks I know have a closet, drawers, boxes and even rooms full of their audio castoffs.
For me, the High Fidelity cables have been the wildest ride with the most awesome, spectacular results in realism. Rick cooks it better than my grandma. ;-)
Calvinj, Yes, custom audio is next level stuff. I think this direction is only for a small group of dedicated audio addicts. Most folks just plug stuff in and listen to music. I love playing with my system. Being creative, using my lifetime of experience, Spending lots of time trying endless possibilities and parameters, working with teams of people on audio projects, researching new technology, beta testing and prototype development.
I spend an alarming percentage of my meager income on Audio as a "no holds barred", "perfection at any cost" products are expensive.
The results…Astonishing!! due largely to that mom & pop, hand built
products company called High Fidelity Cables.
Jafox, hello, I'm pleased for you that you are satisfied with your sound.
That is a happy place and you should stay there if you can. As i mentioned in my post,"I think this direction is only for a small group of dedicated audio addicts. ". I think being dissatisfied is what brings about change in the world. Some of us find delicious joy is seeking the holy grail of audio, however elusive. Lucky for you, all you have to do is never try any new audio devices,( especially High Fidelity Cables ) and you can be satisfied for a lifetime.
Audiolabyrinth, Thanks for the bit off topic question. simply put, Thermal breakers use heat to trip breakers, heat caused by the power running thru high resistance wire, so your power must run thru a high resistance wire… not good!, slows dynamic punch, robs detail, adds noise.
A magnetic/hydraulic breaker uses a surge in magnetic field to throw the breaker. NO HIGH RESISTANCE WIRE = Better sound. I've been using them for 30 years without issue.
One small problem (or two) There is no electrical code for mag breakers so they are not legal, and, they do not fit in a home electrical breaker box. I do my own house wiring and live without rules. The mag breakers are small and can fit inside the case of a thermal breaker. I haven't bought one in many years but they are maybe $20 each. the one I liked the sound best is from Carling Technologies
part # BA1-B0-22-630-121-C Enjoy!
Calloway, That is great!! I've been anxious to try the HFC power cords for a while now. I may get to hear them on a friends system this weekend and have hopes of hearing some at my house soon.
Please let us know about your experience.
I agree with Norm that if you don't have the money, don't listen to them. The high end of HFC products are so transformative that removing them is crushing.
Cheers Dave
Tom, good one!
It was back in the mid 1980's the a group of friends and I, called "the Thorp Audio Group", were spending 6 months designing and building the ultimate power source for our ultimate audio system.
That system was great but a pale, pale shadow of todays system with amazing HFC Magnetic cable magic. We were all dong research, my guess is that friend Stan had more knowledge of the internal workings of thermal breakers and/or found some writing on the subject. I still use the mag breakers today even though I have HFC's UR- WGPC power conditioner which creates a whole new, wonderful world in audio playback.