High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

Jafox, the sound is actually changing in my system. Give your subjective idea a try and let us know how it works out for you. Thanks
Geoff, I must apologize for the Troll invasion on this thread. They will be gone soon. as suggested in an earlier post, don't bother reading anything from Mapman, Jafox or Jmcgrogan2 as they don't have or don't care about audio systems and are just trolling for attention.
Like so many before them, they will be banned, say goodbye children!
And for those are actually on this thread for info on High Fidelity Cables, Welcome!! and I hope your enjoying the music.
For those of you who actually have HFCables, I know you're enjoying the music like never before!!! Cheers D
Al, hi, do you have an audio system? if you had heard these cables i'm sure you wouldn't be wasting all our time. I'm sure plenty of threads love to discuss perceived change but we are into actual change here so I suggest you my be on the wrong thread.
Dear Geoff, yes my friend your missing a lot but the truth is so complicated that I simplified a statement to someone else for a simple explanation. I've zero interest in discussing sub atomic particle theory on this thread, or electrophysics or quantum mechanics.
I listen to High Fidelity Cables and surmise that they are much better than all I've heard in 35 years of listening. Hint: Selecting audio equipment requires listening. I invite you to hear these HF products for yourself.
Sorry Friends, I get frustrated wading thru mental masterbation bla bla bla to find relevant info on HFCables. It's so boring for me to hear, over and over again,, judgments from people who have never heard High Fidelity Cables.
Jimi asked,"Have you ever been experienced?" Well, I have!
I firmly believe that if you've never heard the HF stuff, you couldn't have any idea what we are talking about. I invite you to hear a power cord or other high end HF gear for yourself. You don't have to believe what I say, just discover for yourself. Although I have gained a surprising amount of both, our knowledge and notoriety are not the topic here.
More appropriate here might be how you are Enjoying the Music! D
Johnbstiuu, I have 2 HF power cords in my system and 4 nice but homemade power cords also. My system runs thru a HFCables power filter and 2 homemade plug isolation boxes.( All parts isolated, damped and shielded). The sound makes people laugh, cry and gasp.
I imagine if you end up with a costly HFC power cord, you might want to upgrade to a better power distribution device but yes… in time the HF magnetic power cord thru a plugging strip would permeate the system.
ENjoy! D
Lak, I look at you system pics, very pretty turntable, great looking system that I'm sure your proud of. Congrats!!!

Small tweak suggestion
from what I can see from the pic, you isolation transformers appear to be setting on a concrete or cinder block on rubberized feet on concrete floor. I suggest placing first 3/4" pine plywood on floor, then concrete block (not the lighter cinderblock), then another plywood, next some cones you like, then Iso xfmrs. with no rubber feet. I believe this will give you a tighter sound with more dynamics and purer highs.
I also think you would be shocked at what an HFC power cord would do for you.
;-) D
Ronnjay, thanks for reporting back.
additional info.. the magnetic waveguide is also directional ( north in south out ) and even if correct there could be an internal connection issue. Rick and High Fidelity Cables have wonderful customer service so IF there is an issue, it WILL be corrected.
Cheers D
Calvinj, I'm using a digital integrated amp (very customized as you would suspect) and an even more customized CD player. (no tubes) I'm awaiting a fully custom integrated amp and in talks for a total custom USB dac with built in card reader. I also have newer custom speakers being built.
HFCables have upped the game so extremely that I must upgrade everything else (gladly). I do sell old equipment and cables ( including HFC) to buy new HF cables. I'll have a UR digital for sale soon when I switch to UR IC's. and a 15A URR too when I switch to 20A.
I'm very glad to have met Rick and think of him as a friend. Pleased that I have been able to give him suggestions on improvements that have proved useful.
Hope you system is wowing you still. Cheers D
New Video explaining Magnetic conduction is great!!
Lak, Audiopoints are great and pucks will do some needed isolation from concrete floor. In my system, the wood gives it a better, more natural sound. I also use 12 lb Damping blocks on transformers with good results. Happy to hear that you are auditioning the UR speaker cable. For me it was a huge jump from the Enhanced. I'm selling my 9 foot set of Ultimates to help pay for my UR's which are again, Shockingly superior (as Tbg says). ;-) D
Johnbstiuu, The URR's Do Amazing things on every component I've tried. Even low cost equipment is made to sound Fantastic. Price being what it is, I'm still paying for the ones I have, but want more because of their magical performance. Grailish to be sure. I agree with Tbg that the power distribution pc would effect the most components over time.(400 to 600 hrs.)
(hint: components should be on as much as possible but no need to play loud as long as there is some current flow they are breaking in.
Also: cords and cables Must be broken in on the equipment to be used.)
My second cord went on My integrated amp and was mind-blowing!!
My source component is battery powered so I don't need one there.
I would suggest Power Distribution PC first and when you get to a second one just try it on a few items over time.
As for cables, again they all make a surprising improvement but I might suggest Source to PRE IC as the cables really Shine in low level retrieval. also depends on what level HFCables you are working toward. because a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, a full loom of Ultimates is a good start. I and others sell their Ultimates on the used market to move up to UR. I was very thrilled by my Ultimate loom!! Until I heard the UR line. It takes time so best if you can enjoy the process. Cheers D
Ronnjay, Good idea!, He's got family so i don't call on the weekends.
another issue I've seen is… because the cable ends are pressure lock, they are very difficult to get all the way in at first. I often have to double check that. Cheers D
Calvinj, hello friend, I'm good. I can relate to taking time to build up
HFCables in my system. It has taken me several years so far and I still owe money and want more. Hard to quantify how much better the UR stuff is than the Ultimate line. To borrow a phrase from Tbg, "Shockingly Superior". "Off the chains" is good. I thought the Ultimate was 10 times better than the Enhanced and the Ultimate Reference is 10 times better
than the Ultimate. To me UR is a NEW WORLD even a New Galaxy in audio. Extremely addicting, once you hear them you will do crazy things to posses them.
As far as the rest of my system and taking time on it, over 3 decades so far. I must enjoy the journey as well as the results. I have audio plans that will take years more to realize but I must say the Ricks Magnetic conduction cables breathed new life into the Audio game.
Fluffers, congrats on the two Ultimate IC's!. Break in time is funny with the HF Magnetic cables. Because Magnetic conduction is different and because it requires time to permeate the equipment hooked up, Some
HFCables start out sounding not good. Some HFCables will sound good (or better) in a few hours other will take several days. This is regardless of if they are used in another system or not, because the equipment goes thru changes as well. Depending on the overall sensitivity of your system, you could hear improvements for 2 weeks to a month of playtime. (yes 600 hrs.)
I agree with TBG that the don't like being moved and it can take a day to settle after moving them. ALSO they do respond to isolation, damping and shielding methods, if your into that.
I think Calvinj is right with his order of most effect but I would add
1. that some level of HFCables sound better faster than others.
(UR power cord sounded good very fast- faster than URR PC)
2. Since every point in the chain makes a big improvement, no HF speaker cables will limit the sound.
3.Good if you can enjoy your new improvements for a while before
the next step. The Ultimate stuff is truly AMAZING!!!
Lak, I think you can use the same thinking as others have suggested
on the power cord placement with a HFCable Power cord.
Like Tbg, I use one on my HFC power filter/distribution center and it reaches several components that way so it makes the most difference.. If you have some kind of power center you could try it there. The magnetic power filter I have from HFC is better than one could imagine.
High Fidelity's magnetic power cables are much superior in low level retrieval than conventional pc's, so they should help a lot with low level signals…. However…. what they do for the power and dynamics and purity of power amps is astounding!!!
I'm so excited to have another of these ridiculously superior power cords. I have three places to try it so we will see what happens.
Cheers D
Geoffkait, wow quite a question but no there is no irony here and no mu metal is not used to avoid magnetism, it is used to reduce resistance to the amount of magnetic flow.
as far as you other question about copper wires conduction and mu metal, these magnetic cables and cords are magnetic conduction not electrical conduction. MU metal is a better magnetic conductor.
Mapman, No cause for concern friend. Magnetic conduction goes on in components and copper wire. It's just that copper wire is a poor magnetic conductor compared to mu metal with permanent magnets pushing and pulling the flow. Mag conduction excels at super noise reduction with much superior low level signal transfer. this allows
unequaled realism. FYI I have heard HF power cords greatly improve the sound on $700 to $100,000 components.
Calvinj, I know what it is like to be without components for a while. My system was down for 6 months several years ago and it sucked!!
I'm Glad you have some speakers to listen to.
I'm happy to attempt to answer valid questions if I can. I think a valid, respectful question about HFCables is OK. I is a little frustration at times because HF magnetic conduction is a very different method that people are not familiar with. One big issue is that one must hear these to have any idea what they sound like.
I've read the patents, studied the principals, and have done two years of experiments on the High Fidelity Cables at all price points. The common thread thru all my listening is that every HFCable showed me something astonishing!! More purity and realism than I ever dreamt possible.
Second report on third HF-URR Power cord. These babies do things I've never imagined possible. They make every component sounds like it has been replaced with a greatly superior piece of gear, in every aspect audiophiles are searching for.
I added the 3rd URR to my CD player. Since most of its functions are
supplied power from a bank of batteries, I thought it might not make much of a difference… WRONG!!! Very Wrong!!. Again another URR here gives my system another remarkable upgrade. Even though it runs mostly the drive motor in the CD, every aspect of realism, purity and effortlessness HUGE improvements!!! Makes me wonder what one URR would do to a turntable motor power supply??????? When I took the 3rd out it was much less magical, enthralling, intimate, awe inspiring. And that is starting with a sound that impresses everyone
including the most ardent audio nuts. 3rd back in (sigh of relief as my whole body relaxes with effortless, shockingly real sound). An amazing journey into previously unimagined realms of superior audio reproduction. Unfortunately, no words will let any who has not heard
comprehend. Fortunately, we all CAN hear them!
Ketcham, welcome, glad to see you on the site. You asked about isolation of the magnetic waveguide stands and I do That. Tbg also has his ways of isolating waveguides and their stands. I first isolate the mag stands from the floor with 4" squares of pine plywood. Then I use small isolation platform under the stand. I have has success with some small weights in top of the stand… and small weights on the plugs or connectors (power cords or cables ). I also use metal shielding at a number of places over the cables themselves.
The combination of tweaks gives me cleaner, clearer, quieter sound with more dynamics and detail. more real.
All of the tweaks I use are specific to this system and take much time
to perfect and to tune the system with. Very tricky to remove the unwanted stuff and leave all of the good. I have a friend who makes Isolation tables for me in 6 different sizes and damping blocks in 8 different sizes. I use a lot of Stillpoints too.
And yes… the waveguides take up a lot of floor space in my little room. right now I have 7 sets of magnetic waveguides in my system.
Several are resting on other components at this time. I plan to build raised, iso stands for the speaker and interconnect waveguides and to leave the HF mag power filter and power cords closer to the floor but also on iso stands.
I hope you are having fun with your system!! ;-) D
Ketcham, You asked about shielding. I use shielding to limit RF/IF interaction in my system. I find that even a few layers of heavy duty aluminum foil will net a cleaner, purer sound that allows hearing deeper into the music. It is applied using trial and error listening tests.
I find wrapping any cable in al foil DOES NOT WORK. Because it
crushes the space and air sound. However, laying a relatively flat, 6 inch wide, multi layer piece, horizontal over the wire leaves the air and space
and removes much noise. Care must be taken to not lose the high end in the process.
Cheers D
I was taking to Rick and he is very excited about the NEW magnetic amps he is developing.
He said today that the prototype sounded so awesome
he was hearing 3D imaging never before possible. He mentioned that it was as amazing as his cables. Wow! And this is not the $100,000 amp he developed but a much more affordable unit that has the same amazing imaging. (simple circuit design-zero feedback- no caps or resistors in the signal path- magnetic conduction)
I have volunteered to test the prototype (hehe) and I'm excited all over again about more HFC mag products.
No timetable yet but I can't wait to get my hands on one of these.
Mikha65 , Welcome! I'm very glad you are starting to experience what all the blogging has been about. That "more real than ever before" is very alluring. I love it! I know some people report improvements for 600 hours and even 1000 hrs, I agree but it depends on the systems sensitivity and how much one is into detail with realism. I love it!
Now you can start imagining what the higher rhelms of HFCable
might sound like. with each step up, they are better at EVERYTHING!!!
a great deal better, shockingly better!!! It's a big WOW! experience with every part I add. I love it! All are mind-blowing but I think the power cords are the most unbelievable experience. Seems impossible that a power cord could create such a quantum shift in a component, in a system, in realism, but like the cables, they do. Enjoy!!! D
Fluffers, In my experience the interconnects need to be played with the components you intend to use them on. But, you will get some cable break in playing IC's in another system. As Fplanner2000 says , just sitting there will not help. One month of continual playing is what it might take to be mostly broken in but you can do 600 hours just when you want to listening. could take a year.
in the meantime, ENjoy the music!! D
Tbg, Interesting about the surprise jump in quality. Yes, I have been breaking in stuff continually for two years and have spent decades breaking in stuff. I am having two amps and a set of speakers built so
another year of break in to come.
I've just sent two of my URR power cords to Frank in Houston to play with so my system is much less magical at the moment. I still have one URR plugged into my HF UR WGPC (magnetic wave guide power conditioner) so the system still sounds better than most systems I've heard.
Tbg, Calvinj, Fluffers, Keith

Tbg, I like that video too. Nice simplified explanation.

Calvinj, Thanks for the report on the "other" cable. where did you hear it?

Fluffers, Gary you are in for much more amazement as they break in further. Should improve over 600 hours of playtime. as far as bang for the bucks… there is a lotta bang with all HFCables stuff but it is much bucks. I would not want to give up my full loom of UR cables or any of my HF magnetic stuff, they all add so much.
I agree with others that the power cords are amazing and effect the system greatly. Especially if used into a power distribution device. The URR power cord is the best but even the Ultimate is surprisingly good!

Keith, sorry to hear that life has dealt you some blows lately. I find that music helps me when I'm down. I hope beautiful music can lift you up my friend.

to all I say.. Enjoy the music! D
Ketcham, Hello again, I'm a tweakers' tweaker. I tweak my tweaks over the decades. I isolate my isolation shelves and damp my damping blocks ect, so this is extreme...On my UR speaker cable wave guide I use a list of items to isolate, damp and shield. I have wood floor like Tbg. I use, from the Floor up, 4 inch squares of 3/4 inch pine plywood, Stillpoint Mini's, custom isolation platforms, more 3/4 inch plywood, WAVEGUIDES themselves resting on plywood (not waveguide stand), then more plywood directly on top of waveguides, followed by 6 damping blocks in 5 different sizes, then some heavy duty aluminum foil for shielding. Huge, Huge improvements over stock.
Custom iso shelves and damping blocks are available..
Also I do not let any cable or cord in my system touch the floor or each other. HFCables do not like to be moved at all. I know folks who smear anti static spray on the floor under cables with good results. but that is way too easy for me. ;-) Enjoy the Music !! D
Jazzonthehudson, in answer to you questions below…
Can you please post some pictures under your systems page? (that need to be set up but would certainly help others to benefit from your experience). I totally believe in tweaking and am using composite isolation set up for my upstream equipment (wood, symposium svelte, stillpoint ultra ss). Also curious how to put on the aluminium shielding and still preserving the aesthetics of the system"………..
Sorry, I don't do photos because I'm not a picture taker and because my system has zero esthetics . It's an ugly system that is shockingly wonderful sounding. I'm glad to help and advise people. I have no wife factor,... no sense of style and care only about the sound and the reliability of the equipment.
Ketcham, Sorry no pics yet. Perhaps I will enlist the aid of a photo person in time. I would never believe I'd spend this much for cables either but the sound is out of this world. I hope to be able to help you and others more. Cheers!! D
HFC power cords: Good to see a discussion about these! I once tried the URR power cord on a Panasonic rcvr someone gave me and the results were nothing less than amazing! So It is hard for me to imagine an HFC power cord would be too Much improvement for anything. Friends and I continue to do tests and comparisons with these power cords. We've found that the PC's can limited by the duplex outlet system being used and by the components inlet also. I prefer ATL inlets and outlets and Furutech outlet plate and cover. the use of gold, copper, rhodium would be system dependent and personal taste. Power cables are sensitive about being moved and need to sit still for weeks to be at their best. ( as with all HFC pieces).
Full break in might take a month of constant playing. SO if anyone is doing comparisons…. it takes a long time to hear what they can really do in a system so take your time...
In my system, the most amazing place to put the cord was into my HF Magnetic Waveguide power conditioner/distribution center. Like Tbg, I have the latest HF Waveguide. I've also have done many tweaks to it..
Enjoy the music friends D
Audiolabrinth, Hi Keith, My experience with Gold, Rhodium, Copper for inlets and outlets is that.
1) I've never liked the sound of gold. I like more fine detail than gold allows.
2) I've always liked the pure sound of copper. Even though oxidation is an issue.
3) Rhodium on a few inlets or outlets can add some sparkle. But too many Rhodium parts gets too cold and harsh.
I tried the Rhodium and Gold Furutech outlets and liked the rhodium better. Now I am using ATL 2000 CU outlets (copper) from newcablestudio.com, because I find them quite superior. I have 4 in my WGPC, and 4 other cu 2000 outlets with furutech plate and covers in my system. much cleaner sound! Most of my power cords have ATL copper ends on them.
I have 4 ATL inlets in my system that are 4 layer (copper, silver, gold then rhodium), They add sparkle without getting too harsh.
I think that a lot depends on ones system and personal taste.
ENjoy the music!! D
Keith, thanks,
As far as outlets, Rhodium is detailed and gold is warm.
IMHO (ha!) ATL 2000 CU - copper outlets are more natural sounding. The mounting holes do need to be drilled out a bit to fit the Furutech plate/cover combo.
I've been removing gold coatings for 30 years because of the "halo of haze" gold creates.
Siddh, My experience with the UR breakin is similar to Tbg's.
They sound quick and detailed at first, but it takes 600 hours to get the full base, dynamics, effortlessness, air and realness.
To all following the outlet conversation.
Furutech is having a sale on outlet plates and covers thru Dec.
I'm extremely excited about my new HFCable upgrade!!!!! I've just sent my
UR WGPC back for an upgrade to more like a URR. The URR power cord was built with upgraded magnetic waveguides that sound much better than the UR..(fuller. more extended, more real). Now Rick has URR style but larger waveguides to fit in the Magnetic Waveguide Power Conditioner.
Tbg said that he was thrilled with his WGPC upgrade, and now I can't wait to hear that In my system!! More soon. Enjoy the Music!! D
Calvinj, my friend you seen to be having a lot of fun trying different audio devices. That's Great!!! It's the only way to find out what sounds good to you.
In my experience... components and cables need to sit undisturbed playing for a few weeks at least to hear what they can really do. a month or two is even better.
And yes it is painstaking for me to wait also.
I'm glad you are enjoying the music! D
In my system all Furutech outlets are not as clear, natural or detailed than the ATL-newcablestudio copper 2000. all contact points and connections are ATL's super groovy, special copper including the ground pieces.
this is what I use in my HF POWER Conditioner/ distribution box.
Vales lifted my friends, Vales lifted. ;-) D
CalvinJ, YOUR QUESTION "how long have you been using the high fidelity stuff and what was the difference from your previous cables and Ic."

I've been using High Fidelity Cables for over 2 years and have tried all levels of the their cables. I'm now at UR full loom + URR power stuff. To quote a favorite phrase, the difference with HF cables is "SHOCKINGLY SUPERIOR REALISM". The likes of which I never even imagined possible.
Audiolabyrinth, Hi Keith! I have been anxiously awaiting my URR WGPC which I hope to have Monday. Also, on Monday, I hope to get my URR power cord back that I loaned to a friend. So I will be doing some rebuilding and break in next week. I have not yet taken the isolation, damping and shielding of my WGPC (waveguide power conditioner) to "full Tweak", so I have isolation tables and feet and other items to try once broken back in.
I've been working on selling as much HF gear as possible to help support my HFC habit. In the process I've meet more very interesting people on line who have very intriguing systems.
Cheers Friend, enjoy the music!! D
Calvin, because my name does not sound like it is spelled, no one gets the spelling right. Thought about changing my name to Dave Day.;-)
Gfroman, Congrats G!! Wow you have an impressive system!
I know how mind blowing the UR and URR stuff is and I believe you are in for more of a thrill as the cables approach 600 hrs. It just gets more magical!
I also use my system for TV too. very articulate tv ;-)
My position is.. If you have HF cables, they are so out of this world fantastic
that one can ( and must) rework the system to get the best possible sound now available with magnetic conduction.
How about this.. "To get the best sound out of my fantastically real High Fidelity Cables I use ATL outlets, Stillpoints, Marigo disc mat, Essence of music Disc cleaner, HIFi tuning Disc demag unit, Furutech iso plate and covers, 10 gage directional house wiring, carling technologies magnetic/hydrlic breakers, Tubetraps, Stanshelves and Stanblocks plus dozens more items.
It has the words High Fidelity Cables in it. ;-)
Enjoy the music my friends! D
Hello Friends, High Fidelity cables are outstanding, game changing products to be sure! Thanks to all who write about it here. I've come to expect occasional Troll invasions but am still surprised by the Troll Feeding. Please don't feed the Trolls. It just makes them uglier.
How do you tell a troll?
IF the have negative opinions before they hear the product in question.
If the dis people and systems that have never heard.
They claim to know something that they have no idea about. ect...
What do you tell a Troll?
Nothing, they are not listening!!! They are here to get attention. to try to feel valid. to find anyone who will interact to fill an empty life. so sad.
If you don't feed them, they go away. if not I have them axed. ;-)
For those who can enjoy music. Please DO!!!