High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

Tbg, I really enjoyed your post. Thanks! I surely got the point and have experienced this myself that todays improvements bring unimaginable realism.In the 70's I worked in live music venues and audio recording studios so I had live music and recording studio music to learn from. I had a very good system 35 years ago and it sounded like the musicians were in the room. Uncanny! I've been actively involved it getting more of that uncanny realism since. A thousand improvements later, I'm still awed by how much better it can sound.
Congratulations on the sound of your current system! It is truly a Magnificent sound (so real)! I agreed with your friend Miguel that one will not hear a sound that impressive in an audio store or at an Audio Show.
I'd love to have a Tripoint grounding system. I've heard it's amazing improvements to your system. (Caution Readers- we're talking about other expensive items) I've very happy for you and glad I heard the upgrades. Enjoy!! D
Calvinj, Glad you are having great listening fun. I feel better with the music playing so it is on all the time now. My system now is so inspiring, soothing, uplifting, involving, amazing that I listen more than ever before. ;-) ;-) ;-).
I hope you find the time to visit me, Norm and others.
Cheers D
03-30-15: Mapman
Sounds like a bunch of meaningless hyperbole to me with absolutely nothing concrete to substantiate it even possible.
What a bunch of c--p.
Mapman, thank you for your personal audio experiences.
Astute! ;-) D
03-30-15: Mapman
That's why you can't know what you like best until you hear it.
Mapman, Congratulations! You are 100% correct!
Jmcgrogan2, I like the funny statements about %. I also agree that it would make no sense to sell ones equipment to buy cables. I was thinking of selling my car to buy gas though. ;-) D
Mapman, I read you last post over and over but it still made no sense.
Your earlier statement ;
" 03-30-15: Mapman
That's why you can't know what you like best until you hear it."

Now that made sense!!!

I've probably forgotten but.. How is you system sounding?
I assume you have a system that you listen to. I seem to only recall you say who and what you don't like, and what is wrong with this and that.
Is you system / life so bad you don't have anything good to think about?
I hope not!
Whats good with you Map? Hugs D
Sammons, welcome back and congratulations on your WGPC!! a rare and wonderful device. I call it amazing but "wave guide power conditioner "is one name. "power box" to my friends ;-)
The reason I like using a URR into the WGPC s that you end up with two fantastic Magnetic devices in series, and everything else is plugged into that combo. all components benefit. That being said, you will have an opportunity to try many combos.
What I would love to hear is HOW IS YOU SYSTEM SOUNDING??
Cheers D
Sammons, Thank for sharing some about your system...
I too used to listen to one type of music also until my system made everything sound so good. Now my music collection has many other types.

Very sorry the outlet police come by your house to inspect every outlet.
My philosophy is to use WHATEVER makes my system sound better.
Roguish I suppose. ;-)
You want I should send you a thing for the thing? ;-) D
Hi Friends, I've been discovering ways to improve the sound of my High Fidelity products. At Ricks suggestion, I started experimenting with Star Sound Technologies, Audio points and platforms. I discovered a shocking improvement in clarity and naturalness by placing my speaker waveguides on Star Sound's "Apprentice" platforms. Similarly, The sound improved with Star's "Soundworks" platform under HF power cable waveguides. I also have Star's "audio points" under 3 power components.
the combo (along with Apprentice stands under my speakers) give me a much more intimate and involving sound. I've got two more Apprentice platforms in today to play with. I hope to visit Norm when he gets the larger "Sistrum Rhythm" platform and racks later this month.
What's new with you???? D
Calvinj, It looks like the next listening party at Norms is Saturday Apr 25.
I should prove to be a fun filled education for all in attendance. I've heard some good reports on the new Ct1 Power cord and hope to see one soon.
I'm having fun with music every day!!
Cheers D
Rdoc, Thanks for sharing you excitement about you HFC experience.
Fun, isn't it? I'm breaking in Ct1 pc now for a weekend test. So far I do notice improvements in clarity and quietness in my system.
Keep on enjoying the music!
Ct1 power cable was superior to custom cable I was comparing it to.
As Kzhtoo said, the Ct1 pc has unique characteristics that regular pc's don't have. The speed and clarity, the more musical and less harshness
that seems more like a change of better interconnects.
I also must return the loners but hope to get a couple of the CT1 pc's for my system.
Further listening to the Ct1 power cable convinces me that I would not be happy with less. Like Tbg, I have some URR power cords that are in another world in performance and price. Still, the Ct1 is what I need for places where
it's big brother is not practical for me. I'll get a couple! D
Calvinj, went tp Norms and was amazed at how much better his system got.
I hope he comments.
My system is reduced to background music only as I see to repairs and upgrades.
In the meantime I'm keeping busy with cleaning and improvements, communication and planning, design and testing. I developed tools and a method if cleaning and polishing inlet and outlet contact points without having to take them apart. I'm experimenting with less damping and more energy transfer with great results.
Working on Improving my WGPC and getting more URR power cords.
What's up with your system??? D
Rlawry, thanks for sharing you experience. It is so much fun to put a better HF item in and hear the improvements. great description, Thanks D

PS. HFC power cords would blow you away!
Lak, Thanks for your post also. I too got more adding a Ct1.
I like the "More natural, truer to live performance" description of High Fidelity Cables. It captures the essence of what they do. I want more!!
;-) D
Calvinj, I will let you know about the next Norm trip I take. Always some new toys coming that we will HAVE to try!!! Some with Magnets. I'm jumping back on the HFC train for more magnetic magic!!!
When is summer for you? Sounds like a mythical future where things will get easier next month. ;-)
Glad your enjoying the music!!
Calvinj, The URR is a masterpiece and beyond, way beyond what anyone might imagine. No surprise to me that you were Blown Away. The good and bad news is that it gets that much better with each URR one adds. Norm had 6 and a WGPC at last count.
Self control < audio addiction

HFC > audio addiction


HFC >> audio addiction.

Be forewarned

If your like me....and you hear the top tier....You will desire them

Very dearly

Hello all, I've been having great fun with HFC power cords lately and my tweaking of waveguides. We have been enjoying another astonishing level of
being "inside the music venue" realism. I'm blown away by being engulfed in the soundstage today, and every time I sit down to listen. Never heard anything like it.
More HFC Magnets- I ordered a double DSD system yesterday and like any components I buy, I must figure out how many more HFC products I MUST
get to complete the magic. looks like I need a HFC UR IC, 2 Ct1 pc's and another bigger HF power cord. Anyone want to buy a used kidney? ;-) D
50 page blog, although not a record, is very impressive! I surmise the products must be quite special to warrant all of this.
Thanks Rlawry, Calvinj for your descriptions of the improvement with the URR. I agree wholeheartedly and look forward to the next High Fidelity
Cable I buy, and the next.
Right now, I can think of 4 more HF cables I hope to buy.
The sound here is alluding and uncanny, so real it's crazy.
Cheers D
Calvinj, what power cord did you replace the URR for? did you have Ultimate or UR? The URR's Double helix magnet design is what makes it superior.
Enjoy D
Calvinj, Although the URR is new to you, It is not new.
According to Rick, You have the same cords that I have.
That being said... the URR is amazingly superior to the other power cords
in the line because of it's double helix magnet design..
More magnets = more fun!!
Hi All, was out of town for a while and it was so good to heart music again.
I'm blown away every time i hear my system, I guess it is too good to remember how good it actually is (?).
here is some good news for some.
Next level of HF cables is now in production. URR double helix power cords, ur double helix IC, digital and speaker cable, and pro series, super large URRH POWER CORD that uses
helix waveguide the size of ur speaker cable waveguide 15.5 inch waveguides in the pro pc, Urr helix pc has 6.5inches of magnets.
. The good news, they are as huge an improvement as going from u to ur.
Soundstage is F-ing science fiction. Scary sense of reality. shockingly superior.
I have the pleasure of testing some prototypes. I have one pair URH IC, 2 URRH PC and 2 Pro URRH pc ($20,000+ power cord anyone) unobtainium.
Pro series developed for far east market where they hemorrhage money for audio and buy Million dollar speakers.
I been able to try every level of HF cables like others of you here.
I expect huge and dramatic shifts in quality with each level,
these new "double helix" do not disappoint. In fact, they are so awesome
my mind boggles at the musical experience never imagined possible.
I haven't mentioned price but let me say that I'm doing what I like to call deficit spending where my credit card bill equals my monthly income.
I love love love music so it is worth every penny.
Other news- I got a new custom Oppo Transport w/ built in battery ps for clock. It is sounding great!!

I got a double DSD system I'm building that is very close to "Studio Master Tape" quality. With 4000 premier tracks built in to the storage HD.

I built a 1/4 inch thick brass plate to replace the bottom of the custom
DAC/Pre/Amp box I'm having built. I purchased the final parts $1000 for 4 silver wire transformers. 2 step-down transformers, 2 input coupling xfmers.
Both are the most lossless way to attenuate and to couple to input.
No caps, resistors or coils to color the sound.
Hope to have the amp soon... It will have HFC magnetic binding posts as do my speakers. (OEM)

I'm getting more Starsound platforms and racks as I can find money for them. Selling everything I can to support my toy habit.

Friend Frank and I are working inventing on a super power distribution box to plug the BIG pc into (Mostly Frank. )
Many parameters to test as each different part must be tested with each other part and in combinations to find the best collaboration of parts. months now. we have moved from duplex outlet ATL CU 2000 to the R0 from Oyaide. We have figured out the type, size and configuration and orientation of the wires we will use.
we are down to 3 inlets to compare, we have eliminated 3 mounting plates and two outlet covers to stay with Furutech wall mount place and cover. We are down to 2 boxes to mount
the stuff in. Frank is visiting Saturday with some test boxes.
Lak, negligible weight change with the new IC and pc. the improvement comes mostly from a better configuration of more expensive magnets.

Theaudiotweak, Thanks

Friends Frank and Sheri visited from Houston we listened to music and did power box comparisons. I was a nice visit. I now have all the info I need to build a better power distribution box. A more rigid box. polished, beaded, directionalized copper wire in two different gauges. ATL copper inlet, Oyaide R0 outlets, Furutech wall plates and covers.
Enjoy the music. D
Wish I was one of those who love music no matter what it sounded like.
I love music when it is involving, visceral, emotional, moving.. otherwise
the car radio would be enough.
Cost is not an issue for an audio addict, finding the money is. This may not make sense to the non-addictive personality.
I've got about 7 audio projects in the works now and 4 more in the planning stage. maybe, when I finish those sometime next year I will think my system is good enough. probably not.. ;-) It there an audioholics anonymous?
I'm very happy for those who love their system as is.
Enjoy D
Hi Calvin, Tis true, so true that HF cables bring one to levels not experienced elsewhere in audio. And I to do all I can to improve the cable's performance and the room and equipment of course.
I would say that High Fidelity Cables bring much of the involving, visceral, emotional, moving that I am hearing. They, like all equipment that I have encountered, can be tweaked as well to enhance the magic. Imagine making your HF cables sound twice as amazing?
cheers D
Lak, I have an Oppo 83 that has recently completed 6 months of modification to be transport only. It has
onboard battery power supply for the clock circuitry, a super clock and tons of other wire and parts and shielding. It was recently compared favorably to a $14,000+ Esoteric transport.
I'm thinking of selling it because I have a Double DSD system that has all of Norms music on it. (452 albums and counting.) You can contact me if you wish.
Tbg, yes, the new hard drive works correctly, I recopied the old drive with my tune bank and it is working fine. Glad to hear your back soon. I will love to hear how it sounds too once settled in. I completed my power distribution box for my High Fidelity power cords. It is breaking in now, for a week.
Since you left town I got a 4th HF power cord and an HF URH IC as well as a 2 shelf Rhythm Rack by Star Sound. I got my new custom CD transport in, and hope to see my custom amp in a few weeks, which will tie it all together.
Music has really helped me through some tuff reality lately.
Enjoy the music! D
Tbg, yes the HF PC I would use for the power box is the one with magnets the length of UR speaker cable magnets. (16 inches long). I have 2. the other Big PC is for my amp but is long enough to plug in without pulling.
The final set up will have all my High Fidelity waveguides and the power box on Star Sound platforms or shelves. with sound better than ceramic IMHO.
Cheers D
Tbg, I get where you are going, ceramic and static control. Could be worth a try. Technically, I don't think the rate of energy flow of ceramic matches the Rhythm Racks materials. perhaps a ceramic floor disc might work if not for that.
It is a fun challenge for me to see how much more I can get out of my High Fidelity cables. Making amazing even more amazing.
Hello Calvin, The music is on and sounding very good. I'm playing "Blue Bossa" now, a mellow, relaxing album, with my DSD set up.
I completed the first iteration of a new power distribution box specifically for High Fidelity Power cords and it sound way better than the last custom
power box I built. vales lifted my friend, vales lifted. I hear more lifelike, and more dynamic, clear, involving, depth, shape, solidity.....

Looks like it is time to start planning a trip to Norms once he gets the big system up and running again. Hope you make the next visit.
Cheers D
Calvinj, Good question with a wide variety of answers. the broad strokes answer might be, More realistic or live sounding. The HF cables bring me closer that I could have imagined to that "real".
I use vibration transfer and damping on my HFC items to enhance their amazing effects. My Star Sound platforms and racks help a lot with soundstage definition and tonal improvements. My double DSD set up is capable of sampling rates far beyond CD capabilities, close to Master Tapes' sound. My new power distribution Box is designed specifically for High Fidelity Power Cables and improves the clarity, intimacy, depth and dynamics.
I still need to get my new amp, new hard drive tray, new eSATA cable and some more albums copied to DSD hard drive. I could improve even further
with the latest HF double helix UR speaker cables and another URR pc and a second power distribution box on a 2nd decated circuit.
I'm unlikely to run out of improvements I can think up or hear about.
One nice thing is that the DSD has over 4000 tracks, close to 500 albums at my fingertips without leaving my chair. with more albums coming.
Cheers D
did I answer your question?
Calvinj, I know what you mean about HF cables, they satisfy me very much
and that is rare for me. I change things up constantly but the High Fidelity
Stuff is so amazing that I don't even think about other cables, except better HF cables.
FYI, Norm is back home now and putting his system back together.
me, I'm waiting for components, price quotes and money for toys.
also, listening to music every day.
enjoy the music
I thought I'd comment on the latest round of chiding but decide to listen to music instead.
Siddh, congrats on the Helix speaker cable! Is it the UR helix? Were you able to compare the UR helix to the UR?
I have a UR speaker cable and wish to move up to the UR Helix but have heard little personal experiences. Rick said UR helix blows away the UR and, since every HF cable advance has been tremendous, I have no cause to doubt him.
After 3 weeks it should be well on it's way to showing what it can do.
Friends and I would appreciate any expansion on "Simply Stunning"
you were willing to share.
Thanks and enjoy the music! D
Siddh, Thanks for sharing. I believe that you are in for even more of a surprise as the speaker cables should improve for up to 500 hours of play time.
Budburma, I like it when no cables of any type touch the floor. Because it sounds better. I have at least 8 HF waveguides in my system. all but one are on StarSound platforms or racks and I have another SS platform for the final one. With multi waveguides, as on the speaker and power cables, I remove the rubber bands and use star sounds' Audio Points with their points in the grove where the bands were. the audio points are then connected to a ss platform. I addition, I use weights on top of the multi waveguides which adds to the solidity, bass extension, clarity and realism....
For pics and further info, Pm me with your contact info.
Cheers D
Tie wraps not good! IMHO If they touch the waveguide outer shell at all it dampens the highs. Hanging Strain relief would have to be attached to the wire, or the waveguide support, not the waveguide.
Siddh, I do have helix power cords and interconnects.
Like all level upgrades in High Fidelity line, which I have experienced first hand, the next level is even more shockingly superior than the last.
How do I quantify such a dramatic increase in realism? I once stated that I thought the Ultimate was 10 time better then the Enhanced and that the UR sounds 10 times as amazing as the U. I would say the same about the vast galaxy of improvements the Helix wrought. So many have described the many many attributes of High fidelity cables. With each advancement in the line, all of those attributes get surprisingly more amazing.
This is why, (30 pages back) I cautioned folks about not listening to parts one cannot afford because you will hate giving them up. A lot!
HF cables are like a dream that keeps on getting more vivid.
Maybe Rick will loan me a set of UR Helix Speaker Cables so I can give my, in depth, opinion if them. ( hint hint) ;-)
Enjoy the music! D
I agree with Lak that I get a blacker background with all cables off the floor.
With less noise comes more musical information.
Rlawry, thanks for the report in you HF cables! I like you descriptions of the improvements.
they could sound better for another 450 hours.
I wouldn't worry about moving the wires. most of the break in on HF cables is about magnetic permeation, of wire and components which does not
get lost in a move. IMO, break in from moving only takes a few hours, a day at the most. New components in the system take longer to permeate but they would need their own break in time anyway.
If you change the support or damping on an HF cable it will change the sound permanently.
I love the Pro power cords. Unbelievable soundstage realism, even compared to the URR helix. I have 2 pro's. I'd love to have more but am trying to avoid debtors prison. ;-)
I have one pro to my power distribution box and one to the amp so the amp sees 2 PRO pc/s in the power system. (amp is actually custom amp, preamp and DAC in one chassis).
My system is preforming in such a way as to be pushing the boundaries of
known possibility. Time and again, I am presented with unobtainium and a want to describe it. A situation a gladly find myself in.
Cheers D
Calvinj, the pro PC takes the music to other levels of "real".
quieter, more extended, dynamic, longer decay, more intimacy,
Surprising soundstage solidity, amazing air and space, tonal bonanza.

Texas audio tour will be starting again soon. I hope to visit Houston, Dallas, Collage Station and have some folks here if I can ever get my system completed and broken in.

I've been having friends over almost every day to listen. Hearing stuff in tracks that we've never heard before. complex passages are unraveled and defined with a vast improvement in subtle detail that gives new definition the the word Lifelike.
I've got 9 more improvements in the works right now including 4 cable upgrades, 3 equipment upgrades, a power upgrade and more Rack improvements. November might be a fun month.
Hello All, How's your system?
I'd like to share what it's like NOT having HFC power cords.
I sent all 4 of my High Fidelity power cables in to the shop because they were prototypes and I'm getting them to equal current production models.
(Friend Norm told me about the new ones" Their ease, clarity, dynamics, ambience, and bass is just outstanding" as compared to the prototypes.)
Back to the story, the sound after the cords were remove.
The sound lacked a few things:
musicality, dynamics, naturalness, effortlessness, solidity, depth, space, pace, fq. extension, intimacy, involvement, timber, tone, breath, width, realism, amazement, enjoyment, magic, fun.
Cheers D
Wow! lots of great posts this week. Great!
I got my updated power cords back 3 days ago and got them all back up on Star Sound Platforms and points.
A 24 hour warm up and we listen more closely.
"It Sounds SO Real" was one friends comment. There is more of everything that is magical about audio I say. The wonderful descriptions by others here of HF power cord effects are true for me also. The astonishing "New Life" in each step up the HF line has been amazing to behold. My detail has detail at this point, but not harsh or etched, just a much enhance experience of the intermodulation of blending and sympathetic tones, with smooth effortless treble. Soundstage presence and solidity also have reached unprecedented levels. The involvement in such a visceral portrait has never been more acute.
Cheers and Enjoy the Music
How are you all doing.