Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?

Norm, with all due respect, let it stand. We have heard you. You do not concede. Fine. I have a reserved, favourite seat at our concert hall, classical unamplified music, mind you, and with my behind firmly planted in there and later just as firmly before my rig, I would contend, wether you allow it or not, it does. But let us not argue over this here, since it is off topic. Start a new thread if you like....
Norm, even with a temporary suspension of disbelief, reproduced music never sounds live to me; which doesn't mean it can't be very enjoyable and wonderful on it's own terms, but I'm never really fooled into thinking it is real no matter what equipment I've heard it on - but that is ok with me, I accept it. I think Duke's quote on "why" the musicians are on stage really captures the end game for what a great system can do for you - you get what the musicians are doing, what they are trying to say; even if it is not an exact replica of the live experience.
FWIW, the reason recordings don't have the same perspective that you hear in the concert hall, that you have a greater holographic quality in them than in real life, has to do with the microphone placement and post processing (if any).

Try spending some time with the mics at live performances and you will see what I mean real fast. Having a recording that you have taken from the live performance to CD or LP is immensely useful in developing a reference- it makes a difference when you were there and know what it was supposed to sound like.
Detlof, yes I believe there can be such thing as "too much holography". For example, I've heard at a friends house a pair of the old Beveridge SW2 electrostatic speakers. Everytime you hear music it's as if the performers are projected in front of the speakers, floating within a rectangular shaped space. This was for me the ultimate holographic imaging, like the Star Trek Holodeck, like a LSD trip. Personally I think this is too much of a good thing (unless you are addicted to it) and unlike the real life situation. I think the objectivists among us do not believe in "holographic imaging". They believe holographic imaging is always an artifact or the result of phase distortions.

I'll take timbral accuracy, dynamics and timing over holography/soundstaging any day - if I want to know what the musicians are saying (why they are on the stage). Ralph, is there any reason why the two may be mutually exclusive - that is, does the most accurate equipment in terms of one mean a lessening of the other?