Home Entertainment Show in Los Angeles

Has anyone ever been to this event?

I'll try to get some time to check it out this weekend.


Showing 2 responses by martykl

I just got back about an hour ago. It's a chance to see a lot of interesting stuff, but....
95% of the rooms were too small and sounded pretty bad.
I thought Vandy Quatro, MBL and the oddball looking Vivid(?) speakers sounded pretty good, but even these were bottom heavy.

Acoustic Image (a local retailer) had large speakers from ESL(?) sounding very good in a larger room.

Fun, but limited utility.

If you go, enjoy!


PS I found a dozen LPs: John Coltrane, Aretha, Richard Thompson, Sam Cook, etc that set me back $125. That was the highlight for me.
Agaffer, I was one of those who didn't ask because I didn't want to hear a number starting with 20, 30, 40. It's astonishing that, in this market, he's asking $7900. Maybe $7900 can never constitute a bargain for a 'table, but it's hard to believe that his economics aren't completely out of whack relative to the competition. BTW, I concur: Bob is a real gentleman and engaging tour guide.