How do you determine how much to spend on speakers

Hello all,

I am just starting out in this HI-FI stuff and have a pretty modest budget (prospectively about 5K) for all. Any suggestions as to how funds should be distributed. At this stage, I have no interest in any analog components. Most notably, whether or not it is favorable to splurge on speakers and settle for less expensive components and upgrade later, or set a target price range and stick to it.

Personally, ive found source components and speakers have 90% of the weight in your sound. So that being said i would spend the money there. If its for a 2ch system get a good CDP or SACDP ill never forget the difference i heard after buying my first rega planet. Also speakers respectavely have alot of weight as well. Theres more to it then just features but you really have to audition and test them yourself to get the best fit. sometime people are more happy with the 300 dollar bookshelfs sound then the 10000 dollar floorstanding imports [rare but it happens] so just make sure you dont rule any company out until youve tried them with your test music. that also being said make sure you have a specific selection of music you know well and would be able to tell differences as minor as possible in the recordings. some say make it your top 10 fav tracks but id be careful, if your like me and VERY picky you may kill the joy in those tracks from endless auditions ;) good luck in the hunt.

p.s. be careful not to be bitten by the upgradeitis bug whilst you audition :)
GREAT SYSTEM but would put you in the 5 to 6 grand range. B&W804N SPEAKERS, CONRAD JOHNSON PV14L PREAMP, MF2500 CONRAD AMP AND ANY DECENT CD PLAY USED FOR AROUND $800, bi-wire the speakers and use decent cables to connect equip but don't spend alot here. I have close to this only I have the mf2250 and it doesn't completely satisfy the 804's but I have since biamped and added another amp. wish I would've got the mf2500 to begin with. speaker placement is critical and my 804's sound great and have disappeared in the music and the sound stage and realness is great. I wouldn't even think about a tuner.
*$2000-$3000 speakers.(many great choices in that price)
*$650-$1000 source(CDP,Turntable or PC system with ext.DAC)
*$1000-$1500 amp,preap or integrated amp.
*$200-$500 room acoustics (absorbers, diffusers)
*NO MORE THEN $400-$500 on cables and tweaks.This can wait.

Start with your dream speakers first. Shop used market, better value.
Next amps or integrated. Source and acoustic treatment to fine tune your room and fix potential, existing room problems.

Let me have a redo on this, I've just experienced a system that I've owned for 8 years which I thought sounded pretty good but always thought something was missing. I never realized what power cord upgrades, conditioners, interconnects, and speaker cables could do for a system. Oh and not to forget source components, I.E. cd, or tt. I still have the same amps and pre and speakers I've had. I got a new TT and a new cdp which was a major improvement. This wasn't all I also had the pleasure of experiencing power cords and i-connects. I didn't have any idea, I thought a cdp was a cdp and a cable was a cable. If you are looking to get into this hobby and want somewhere to start don't neglect the source components and power cords starting with the source component. Don't spend all your money on speakers as the signal starts at the source or the cord going to the source. It has been an amazing experience for me finally realizing my systems potential and I hope that others don't make the same mistake I made of listing to good amps, pre's, and speakers thru bad sources and cables. I now think that is the most important part of a system.
I'll largely concur down the line with Xxmalakeixx...and DON'T ignore the used gear market.
Modern electronics - even in the low priced mass produced category - are for the most part simply VERY good. In my 20s, it cost many thousands to achieve what is readily available today for a few hundred dollars.
Your source and your loudspeakers will be largely responsible for 80% plus of the sound that reaches your ears.
Don't waste a lot on fancy cables - but DO spend enough for decent quality - and here again, great used bargains out there.