How international is your system?

I just realized that each of my components is from a different country (and they all seemingly get along fine!).

Wondering how international other people's systems are. Mine:

Scotland (turntable and cartridge)
Canada (phono pre)
England (CDP and tape deck)
New Zealand (integrated amp)
France (speakers)
Holland (ICs)
US (cables, cords)
CDP- Classe (canadian)
preamp- DR6 (canadian)
turntable- Rega (English)
cartridge- Dynavector (Japanese)
speakers- Paradigm (canadian)
Racks- CWD (american)
power amp- B&K (American)
Turntable and integrated amp: Britain
Tonearm: Japan
Cartridge: Denmark
Speakers: France
Line Conditioners: Canadian
Cabling: USA
DVD Player: Japan or Taiwan I'm guessing!
I can't tell who made ANY of my gear or where it was made. All of the name tags and serial numbers have been removed. That must be the reason why i keep getting such good deals from the guy down at the local Pawn Shop... : ) Sean
Well, quite varied!! I'm showing my Scottish birth by distinguishing Scotland from rest of UK. Looks like USA and Japan got the lion's share of the market, but an impressive array, nonetheless

OK, Lugnut, mum's the word!
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, neptune, uranus & pluto, not counting on the minor bits from various moons.
