How significant is a power cord upgrade?

I've got a Primaluna integrated tube amp and I'm considering upgrading the power cord. How significant is it compared to upgrading speaker cords and interconnects? Just wondering if I'll notice the same positive effects.
Tried 3 or 4 power cords on amp, cd player, pre's , etc. . Made no difference whatsoever. Have had your good experience with speaker cables and ic's however.
Tvad wrote:
"Every improvement in audio has its genesis in power delivery. Better power delivery results in better sound."

This is true. However, it remains to be shown that a good-quality, inexepensive Belden cord can be bested by the megabuck cords. We're not talking rocket science here, all we're trying to do is get the AC from the wall to the component. Spending more than $50 or $60 for a power cord is for the hopelessly optimistic...

This is true. However, it remains to be shown that a good-quality, inexepensive Belden cord can be bested by the megabuck cords. We're not talking rocket science here, all we're trying to do is get the AC from the wall to the component. Spending more than $50 or $60 for a power cord is for the hopelessly optimistic...
Rlwainwright (System | Threads | Answers)
Oh boy. Are we going down this old, worn road with this thread? Eight replies, and the tenor of the discussion has already turned to the same tired debate.

In the interest of preventing a needlessly repetitive and heated exchange similar to dozens that have come before on this topic, I offer this...

Those who hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to purchase them without admonishment from those who don't hear a difference, and those who don't hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to not use them without reprisal from those who do hear a difference.
Those who hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to purchase them without admonishment from those who don't hear a difference, and those who don't hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to not use them without reprisal from those who do hear a difference

Well said Tvad.
Made a huge difference on a cambridge audio d500se cd player. Made absolutely no difference on my B&K EX-442 power amp. I have no idea why.