How significant is a power cord upgrade?

I've got a Primaluna integrated tube amp and I'm considering upgrading the power cord. How significant is it compared to upgrading speaker cords and interconnects? Just wondering if I'll notice the same positive effects.

This is true. However, it remains to be shown that a good-quality, inexepensive Belden cord can be bested by the megabuck cords. We're not talking rocket science here, all we're trying to do is get the AC from the wall to the component. Spending more than $50 or $60 for a power cord is for the hopelessly optimistic...
Rlwainwright (System | Threads | Answers)
Oh boy. Are we going down this old, worn road with this thread? Eight replies, and the tenor of the discussion has already turned to the same tired debate.

In the interest of preventing a needlessly repetitive and heated exchange similar to dozens that have come before on this topic, I offer this...

Those who hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to purchase them without admonishment from those who don't hear a difference, and those who don't hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to not use them without reprisal from those who do hear a difference.
Those who hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to purchase them without admonishment from those who don't hear a difference, and those who don't hear a difference with expensive power cords can choose to not use them without reprisal from those who do hear a difference

Well said Tvad.
Made a huge difference on a cambridge audio d500se cd player. Made absolutely no difference on my B&K EX-442 power amp. I have no idea why.
Tvad, While I can appreciate what you say on one level, that of a reiteration of an endless dispute over the efficacy of a tweek, or any other of the many irresolvable issues in audio, I have a bit of difficulty accepting the admonishon from some one who was willing to give the controvery life by making a positive indorsement to the tweek knowing its history.

Gnugear, FWIW, I have 3 Primaluna Products and I use Belden PC to my total satisfaction in these units. I have NOT done extensive testing of all of the various power cords available, let alone in the Primaluna's. I'm sure if someone did they would find some that they felt performed better. The good thing is that I have never noticed a deterioration from the use of better constructed cable when I have tried them, I just judged the differences I percieved as not being worth the money. So if you go that route just try to do it thru in home auditions before purchase.

I do not feel this way about IC's and Speaker cable. It can change the performance levels of electronics and speakers positively or negatively, irrespective of cost or construction issues. But, beyond having good benchmark stuff available a reasonable prices, you should have a definable goal, otherwise you're chasing the wind and your $100 bills down the road.

I consider Canare Star Quad 4s11 a great starting point for a new audiophile. Its cheap, heavy guage, neutral, and is hard to improve on without spending lots of money. A true benchmark IMHO.

I personally, and generally, prefer Cardas 300b IC's in mid-level high fi electronic's, especially SS. If for no other reason that its a bit on the warm side of neutral and I find electronics in that catagory a bit on the cold side of neutral.

Thats MHO and reflects what I would tell my son to do if he were just starting out.

FWIW probably 90% of the other contributors would do something differently - thats the way it goes. Have fun trying to sort it all out! :-)