How to dim LED light?

I just got a used Anthem Int. 2 that I am really enjoying. It is in a combined 2 channel and ht system. I find the LED too bright on it, and distracting when I am watching TV or just listening in anything less than full light. Is there a good, easy way to dim this? I don't want anything too sticky on the faceplate. Surely someone has faced this! I still want to use it, but just reduce brightness. Thanks for any advice.
Go to a car detailing place, ask for some left over window tinting. You know, when all the kids with their Honda Civics get their windows tinted almost black? There are different shades (30% up 60% tint), get a few different tints and experiment. Cut to size and it will stick without any glue to the display on your Anthem.
a black marker pen, a tiny dot in the center of the led. You can experiment with larger dots till you get it right. A Q-tip will rub it off. (assuming the led is glass)
Purchase a small colored roll of thin tape. Cut a tiny square or circle big enough to cover most/all of the light. If you have a blue LED, you get an interesting purple color if you use a red tape. If you only cover the center portion of the LED, then it can look even nicer.

Yup. Easy solution is to get a couple of inches of taillight repair tape (red or orange) at an auto parts store for $2-3. I use this effectively to tame the big bright Magnum Dynalab's display. A little red film makes the yellow display a nice muted orange. Have fun.
how about doing this the *right* way: solder splice a 1/4 watt resistor in series with the LED. Experiment with resistor values until you find the preferred intensity, or use a variable pot around 1k-ohm. If using fixed resistors, start out around 50 to 100 ohms & step up in ~100 ohm increments until you find the right one. Clip leads will come in handy until the best value is found; then just solder it in. Or install small signal diodes in series (watch polarity) you'll drop about 0.7 volts per diode. Really easy.
No offense but not a chance, Bob. How would you explain that to the buyer when you go to sell the amplifier one day?

I don't think I'd buy an amp where the owner has modified it like this. I know it's no big deal to some, but who knows what else the owner may have done correctly or incorrectly for that matter.

I mean if the modifier is not making good to excellent amps for a living, why should anybody trust his workmanship?

Shoot, I don't even trust most professional plumbers and electricians and those lines of work are far less complicated.

No big deal is right ... it's even easier to remove that mod than it is to install it, but that's from the perspective of one who wields an iron on a daily basis. Perhaps not the optimum answer for the uninitiated, but if it was me then it's definitely a no-brainer. Or cover it with some heatshrink & it basically appears to be original. And this is just your basic 3rd-hand S.F. integrated, not a Krell FPB monoblock.

BTW: I may have someone interested in your DNA-2; says he is anyway. We'll see. As long as it's not modified now, is it? :)
Bob, my wife wields an iron almost daily also. But I wouldn't let HER near my amp either.

Thanks for the info, Bob. And yes, it is modified. It has a nice piece of audio-grade yellow tape over the light. If the new owner considers the light too dim, I would be happy to provide instructions to increase it's brightness.
Thanks to all for your responses. I will probably try some of the colored tape, and try to cut a small circle to adhere to the glass. Thanks again.
