How to reduce power supply noise.

I'd like to hear ideas on reducing the power supply noise
within a CD player. I have found AC conditioning and isolation to make staggering improvemnts to CD playback in my Spectal based system and would like to turn attention to internal improvements.
I noticed the Spectral Audio interview with Robert Harley
indicated much work has been done on their new reference CD player to reduce noise and interaction even further than in past models. Can we do anything with noise, crosstalk & interference in existing CD players?

Showing 3 responses by tvad

I'm thinking of improvements inside the CD-DVD players.
Psacanli (Threads | Answers)

Are you asking this with the intention of doing some modifications yourself, or are you asking with the intention of purchasing a modification?

Power supply modification is the basic starting point for most CD player mods offered by most of the reputable modification providers.
03-12-09: Psacanli
What power supply modification? What is done?
If you read the details of the modifications that are commonly done by Reference Audio Modifications it might give you a beginning. I linked to RAM's Cambridge 840c mod, but all their power supply mods are similar at their core. RAM also sells parts.

Back when Modwright specialized in modifications, Dan often detailed what was done to the power supplies. He may still have some of this info on his website.
Are you asking this with the intention of doing some modifications yourself, or are you asking with the intention of purchasing a modification?

That's why I asked this question earlier. Had I known you were intending to DIY, I wouldn't have linked to RAM or mentioned Modwright.

Member Dgarretson does a lot of DIY modding. Perhaps an email to him would be valuable.