HT speaker system recomendations sub $1,500.00

Looking for recomendations for HT, the room has 20 ft high ceilings, looking for system that is "mini monitor/satelite" type speakers, that are smaller in size, bookshelves for the fronts. I have looked at Energy and Canton so far, any other system recomendations would be welcome... thank you very much..
LOt's of good sounding smaller monitors that fit that price range w/sub. Anyting from The newly released/reviewed(HT magazine) Infinity TSS750 system at $750 w/sub ($650 at Circuit city), to using NHT super Zero's/SB1's and sub and such would sound as god as you wold want from and HT receiver based system! You can tinker with other choices, but you won't get much improvementon the abilities there.
good luck.
OH, BTW, for what you are after, it won't make any difference with your 20 ft ceilings!....very fogiving of speaker options there. Find a good sound, right budget, good looking/well built montor and large enough sub for your room/budget, and your done. the two or so recommendations I gave you are fine sounding, good looking, well built, highly reviewed, and solidly built gear. good luck
Tannoy Mx (last years' model) or Mx-m (this years' model) series. If you have a bit of floorspace (small footprint) you could put Mx-4's as R/L and still be under the $1500.00 limit. I own this setup and power them w/a B&K receiver.