Hybrid Integrated Amps: Any Good?

I have the opportunity to purchase a Bada dc-222 for around $400. It's a tube pre/solid state power integrated amp. Part of me says, "Wow, tube and solid-state, best of both worlds," while another part of me says, "Sounds like a gimmick and compromise that is going to be the worst of both worlds." Thoughts?
I have a Pathos Classic One hybrid and very much like it. The idea of a hybrid is not that strange. A lot of people, including myself, run a tube pre-amp with a solid state amp. It gives you some of the tube feeling, without the hassle of a tube power amp. I think most hybrids also try to have a tube like power amp, for example using mosfets, rather than going for highly detailed output. I do not know the Bada, but hybrids are not just a gimmick. Well designed ones really can work.

One thing to be careful of is "hybrids" that have solid state preamp and poweramp sections and a tube buffer. To me these are not really hybrid amps. A tube buffer does not deliver the same sound as a tube preamp. If the spec says you can switch the tube in and out, then it is just a tube buffer. I would stay away from that design.
Loaned once Unico and it seemed to me that I sit in Ferrary driven by asian lady.
I like Counterpoint amps and Joule that seem more like Ford or Chevy driven by Michael Schumacher:-)
I am pleased to see that most of the posts acknoledge the point that a tube input or pre section of an SS amp, does not mean the amp sounds like a tube power amp. The tube effect goes beyond tone, it is the tube's ability to yeild a beautiful 3D soundscape. The SS output seems to flatten the image IMHO of course, YMMV etc.
Thanks guys! I'm also worried that the unit doesn't have tone controls, and that I'm currently using the tone controls on the amp I have now. Should I be worried about that?
Dtc, you may want to consider doing as I have done, secure a second unit and run the Classic One in Mono mode. This hybrid integrated is far better Mono than stereo, and will transform your rig as well as your listening experience. :) See my system pics for more insight.

I reviewed the Classic One MkII and MkIII in stereo and Mono mode for Dagogo.com, purchased them and continue to use them. At some point I may sell them if I move to another echelon of performance, but that would take quite a bit of money, perhaps more than $10K MSRP.