Hypex Ncore NC400

Really enjoying these, wondering about other's experiences.

Also, has anyone heard bridged NC400s?

Showing 1 response by rsimms

It is less than a week that I have playing with a borrowed pair of NC400s, but they have amazed me. They work well with a good tubed preamp. If you have the system for it, they really expose the space around the recording extremely well. This is not a subtle thing. It can really make reality pop! My speakers are only 84dB efficient and are the bare minimum that I would want to use with these amps. Brass doesn’t have quite as much a bite with these as my current amp, but I consider that minor. The NC1200 is said to be better with brass, so it may be just a power thing. If that is the case and your speakers are more efficient than mine then you might not have that issue. Even with that issue, the many virtues of these amps greatly overcome that subtle issue. I currently plan to buy a set to replace my current amp.

Next week I plan to bypass my tubed preamp and go straight into the NC400s from my solid state DAC. If I learn any more, I will post to this tread.
