IC's amp-preamp & cd-preamp using Maggies?

Should the IC's used be different for A-PreA & CD-PreA in
my system:
TTBs - VPI scout w/sumiko blackbird
J.A. Mitchell reference hydraulic w/wynn strain gauge
CD - Cal Audio Tercet
Preamp - MFA Magus A-2 tube hybrid
Amps - Kenwood L09 300w mono amps
Spkrs - Magnepan MG IIIa's

most interested is airy & open, holographic imaging 200-650m price range that make maggies shine
looking for reccomendations in my mainly loved for analog system.

Showing 3 responses by kingmacaw

good info from you all. was wondering if anyone out there has liked audioquest columbia dbs IC's w/maggies?
starting to think if i don't wish to go to a newer cd player that would be best to either compliment speaker cables w/ic's of same company.

all of your input has been welcome.