Ideal room dimensions for great system sound?

I know this is a reeeeeeally open-ended question, but what is in your opinion an ideal room size and dimensionn in which to put a great sounding system? For starters, let's say we are using a nice tube amp, a pair of legacy whispers, and a vpi super scoutmaster turntable? Let's not consider all the system tweeks, but maybe roon size, dimensions, and materials for and in the walls/ceilings. I have a large unfinished basement with 9 foot ceilings, and I am about start doing something with it.

Showing 1 response by magfan

Golden ratio and Fibonacci series are mathmatically related.

The 'series' of Fibonacci is arrived at by starting with 0, 1 and adding them to produce the next number....0+1=1 .....Now, add the last 2 numbers AGAIN to produce the 4th number....1+1=2.
And so on.
By the time you get to 21 and 13, you can begin dividing them to get Phi, the right name for the Golden Ratio or Section.
Cool number. Phi squared = itself +1 and the SqRt is itself -1.

As for the origin? goes way back, but the Great Pyramid of about 4500BCE is made with that ratio. Pinga may have learned about it in Egypt as Pythagoras learned some 'sacred geometry' there, as well.