In line Attenuators with Passive Preamps

Most digital sources output 2 volts or more. Most amplifiers come to full power at far less voltage. This scenario creates using much of the attenuation provided by a preamp.  One way around this is to use an in line attenuator between source and preamp.  

My questions are: 1) Should a in line attenuator be considered when using a passive pre?, 2) What in line attenuators might be useful? and, 3) What capacitive load do they add to the signal between source and amp? This would certainly be of importance when using a passive preamp.
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Showing 2 responses by tooblue

When I have used an attenuator, with an Audible Illusions MB3 and the 15db attenuated switch on my Lamm LL2.1 deluxe, it has been to reduce the gain by the said amount implied by the attenuator being used, I am not sure you will accomplish your desired goal other than running out of gain with the passive preamp you are using. 
For what it is worth I had a set of adjustable attenuators made for me stepped in 2db steps so I could play around with things and also use as preamp per sey when driving a digital combo to my amp.