Insiders check in

Why did I pay $10 for this? πŸ€”
Am I a cool kid now? 😎😎😎
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
BTW, Uberwaltz, kudos for your crusade against the ridiculous misuse and overuse of unpleasant emojis by another member. I can recall a couple of times that member has even posted an emoji depicting a hand with a raised middle finger, in response to reasonable and polite requests of various kinds that were made to him by others.

As you put it at one point, that member’s emojis have helped to turn a number of threads into travesties.

Best regards,
-- Al
Thx Al.

Sometimes a simple smilie emoji does not hurt much but some of the deeply stupid and offensive emojis being employed would even be out of place on Farcebook!

And of course not to be outdone GK rushes to try and "out emoji" them!

We can but try
To add to my previous post, Uberwaltz, the member in question is a retired attorney, not some punk kid.Β  Amazing!

Best regards,
-- Al

They have the posting mannerisms of a pre pubescent teen.

Shocking in reality then.

Yes.Β  I can state that with 100% certainty.

Best regards,
-- Al