Installing Dedicated Lines.... Need advise

Ok I plan to run two dedicated lines of Romex 10/2 wire about 60' each. One will be for my Receiver and Rotel sub amp. And the other for all my digital.

Question one: Should I say.. put the analog plug to one side of my sound stage, and the digital to the other side, that way the amp wires will be seprated by like 6' or so. Or is it ok to run them all to the same area?

Question two: I plan to use a Maestro socket for the amps, is it ok to go with a simpler Porterhouse for the digital?

And last, if money is an issue, would you run say Home Depot Romex 10/2 to the digital, and use VH Audio 10 on the amps?

Showing 1 response by mrvordo

In theory, separation of any cable is better than no separation, but whether or not it makes a big difference???

I have noticed a big difference in outlets. I started with Hubble hospital grade, then PS Audio Power Ports, which made a noticeable difference for my amp, but not as much for my source components. Recently I have installed a Watt Gate Gold (amp) and a Silver (sources) with definitely better sound than the Hubble, or PS Audio. Probably depends a lot on your particular system and incoming power as to how much improvement you would gain, but I am now a believer in outlet and power cords. They do make a difference.