Integrated Amplifier balanced

I need some help in buying a Solid-state integrated amp. All my music is coming from a DAC (Slim Devices Transporter). The requirements are:

0. The best possible music within my budget (I listen to classical and vocal music).
1. Must support balanced inputs.
2. Dual voltage (110/220).
3. Under $3,000 used or new.
4. Solid build.

1. Headphone output.

Greatly appreciate any advice.
Is that budget just for the integrated, or the whole system? I would say that you may want to budget for a good DAC, since you can definitely improve over the Slim's DAC. One route may be to get a DAC with volume control like the Bel Canto e.One DAC3 and then get an amp and use the DAC as a preamp. I know someone who does this with a Pass 250.5 and likes it very much (although maybe still misses a preamp).

I have the Pass and love it. I don't know what they go for used, but I would guess over 3,000. I would think a YBA Passion Integre 300 would be a good route, or the Plinius 9200, both of which are very beautiful sounding amps, and both of which hold up well for resale (also match your criteria above).

I would maybe suggest pinning down your speakers first, because if you're going to buy and sell until you get the right thing, speakers are a drag to do that with; however, amps are pretty easy. You could also get a 2000 and under integreated and get a DAC that will perform better than the squeeze, unless you're going with a modded unit.
The budget is just for the integrated.

I have no intention of buying and selling! This is a long-term purchase and that was the reason why I am asking the experts!!

I called Mark Levinson and understand that they stopped making No.383 - I am not sure why. Is it a good idea to buy an amp that the manufacturer isn't interested in selling?

I heard good things about the Transporter - this is the first time I heard someone say that it is not a good DAC. The alternatives would be Benchmark DAC (same price range). I haven't looked at Bel Canto yet. I can get an optical-out from Squeezebox comes with a Optical Out so that is not a big issue.

YBA retail is $4650. I hope PS Audio is dual-voltage. I will check with them.
So judging by your response you're buying new, not used? That changes your budget, as I was saying you could get a YBA under $3000 used. I would say, and this holds true for used gear, but since you're buying new you should go listen to as many units as you can and let your ears be the judge. If you're buying speakers too than many dealers may let you try out the gear in home for a deposit. Some of us do in fact buy gear and then, amazingly, sell it if it doesn't work out like we hoped or were advised it would.

In terms of the Levinson gear, just because they stopped making it doesn't mean it's not worth buying. A decision to stop manufacturing something doesn't mean it's not worthwhile, think of cars! Levinson is known for making quality gear, and while I haven't heard their integrated, many respect it highly.

I didn't say the transport doesn't have a good DAC, just that given your budget, that is one area I think you could probably improve on and still get a good integrated.

I still think that you should choose speakers before your amp, since, the sensitivity of the speakers you choose may change what type of integrated you want or need.