Integrated for ProAc isc

Several reviewers of these speakers favor tubes for these speakers (especially triodes). I would appreciate hearing from anyone who has used solid state amps with success. Main listening is jazz, clasical and folk.
I used Marantz Esotec MA 5's monoblocks for a while with great results. These were Class A, 30 watts. For awhile I was bi-amp them. Sound was great. Currently use tube mono blocks. Sound is a little bit better in that warmth has taken over.
I concur with the recommendation of the Audio Refinement Comlete. I used one with a pair of ProAc Response 1s for quite awhile and it was a great combination.
Naim amps, from the 50wpc Nait integrateds on up, pair beautifully with the 1sc. On a budget, the Audio Refinement Complete integrated. Good listening.