Interconnects for BAT

Hi, can anyone give me some tips to connect pre-amp BAT VK-32SE and power-amp BAT VK75SE? I am looking for a brighter, more airy sound. Other components are Linn SC and WLM Gran Viola. Thanks! Lubos

Showing 9 responses by lubos

I have tried Valkyrja, but for silent listening they seemed to be too dry and analytical. I compared them with Audience Au24. Would Valhalla be more suitable?
I have tried MIT 350 CVTerminator, they were much too rich and Nordost Valkyrja much to dry for silent listening. Should I consider VD or Synergistic Research?
Thank you, Arthur! I think I should perhaps also consider Acoustic Zen, they might be open and airy as well. Tesla is a good alternative too.
Joeyboynj, thank you, I´ll take a look. A problem is, that they are not imported here and I cannot try them :-(
Trcnetmsncom, thank you for you opinion. I will try Valhallas and hope they will suit my system better than Valkyrja. Thank you and all the best. Lubos
Thank you, Moemoney! I am a little bit scared of the price... I am also considering SR Teslas.
Flemke, thank you Tim, I have exchanged few emails with Dgarretson and I will surely follow his advice. Nevertheless. I still will be then looking for a suitable ICs. Lubos