Is the Lyra Klios out in the states yet.

And if so, has anyone heard or got one yet?

Showing 3 responses by theo

I too have had mine about 2 months, they are slow in coming. I had to wait about a month. I had a Delos and the dealer allowed me a 30 day trade up period and I am so glad I did. He tells me he has a waiting list, so I am glad I got in when I did. Jsaah, I am suprised that you feel it is better than the Titan because I really considered a Skala instead. That makes me feel even better about the Kleos. What table are you using?
But back to the Kleos answer, it is a wonderful cartridge and it has the Lyra detail without an analytical sterility found in some carts. The musical presentation is so revealing of the emotion in the music. I seldom turn on my CDP anymore.If your considering one get on a waiting list, if you change your mind the dealer will have back sales to take it off your hands.
I did at the dealer when I placed the order to upgrade, and there is a significant difference. The Kleos offers everything the Delos does but to greater degree. More information, detail, sound feild, musicality. And less surface noise, the Kleos is much quieter. After having both in my home on my table, I feel the Kleos is in a class of it's own. However let me add that the Delos is a wonderful cartridge and in my opinion is way under priced for its performance level. I replaced a Linn Troika and the Delos brought the music out into the room with a intricate clearity I had not extracted from my vinyl in the past. I did have the Delos on my table for about 60days as I ordered the Kleos about 30 days in and it took 30 days to arrive. Either cart is superior in their price range to (in my opinion)all comers.
Fremer had a good review this month, I just got my issue today. Mikey likes it! for what thats worth