Is there a big difference in digital streaming devices?

I am streaming digital using Deezer running it through an inexpensive Definitive Technologies wifi streamer($300 bucks). I have an Audion Silver Night Special Edition 300b integrated amp and Zu Soul Superfly speakers. I’m wondering if I’m missing any detail by not upgrading to a “better” more expensive DAC. I’ve read reviews on some like Lampizator, Border Patrol etc. I like the fact that I can play music from my phone via WiFi to the Definitive streamer so if I went with let’s say with a Border Patrol DAC and still used the Definitive for WiFi streaming to feed the Border Patrol DAC, would the Definitive become a week link or would I hear more detail by using the DAC in the Border Patrol. 

Showing 1 response by mr_m

I've been using a Bluesound Node 2. It has an excellent internal DAC and streams very good SQ. I recently added an Ayre Codex dac, and got a dramatic improvement in sound especially when using the Codex balanced outputs.