Is there high output MC that can compete/beat ...

my Grado Reference Sonata? I'm looking to stay in the same $ ballpark, $250-300 used, and wondering if high output MC can improve on the Sonata's sound? Perhaps keep the warmth and rhythm while adding a bit more detail? It's mounted on a Thorens TD-320, with Cayin TA-30 amp, and GMA Callistos. Thanks all.
There's a Dynavector 10X5 on Audiogon now for $250. Take the cover off and it's a real contender. Not affiliated with seller, etc., etc. Good luck, Dave
Don't know about taking off the cover, but I really enjoy my Dyna 10X5.
Detailed, warm, and extended on both ends of spectrum.
Well, that's pretty unanimous! Now, the important question, which I forgot to include in my original post: is the Dynavector compatible with my Gram Amp 2Se phono preamp, which needs an input of "2 to 9 mV rms"? Thanks, Rich