Is there high output MC that can compete/beat ...

my Grado Reference Sonata? I'm looking to stay in the same $ ballpark, $250-300 used, and wondering if high output MC can improve on the Sonata's sound? Perhaps keep the warmth and rhythm while adding a bit more detail? It's mounted on a Thorens TD-320, with Cayin TA-30 amp, and GMA Callistos. Thanks all.
Don't know about taking off the cover, but I really enjoy my Dyna 10X5.
Detailed, warm, and extended on both ends of spectrum.
Well, that's pretty unanimous! Now, the important question, which I forgot to include in my original post: is the Dynavector compatible with my Gram Amp 2Se phono preamp, which needs an input of "2 to 9 mV rms"? Thanks, Rich
Thanks dave. Does the 2.5 mV, which is at the low end of the Gram Amp 2's stated needs, mean tha I'm going to have to crank the volume more to get the same level of sound as with the Sonata (which is about 4 mV, if I remember correctly)? Thanks, Rich