is turntable isolation required?

I have read opinions saying that solid plinth turntables absolutely require some kind of isolation platform to sound their best. Would you say this is correct?

my Thorens TD-850 weighs 21 kg, very solid plinth, sits on spiked feet that have a small, built-in layer of what appears to be viscoelastic material (presumably providing a very small amount of isolation), on a Billy Bags stand. Solid floor. I had it on a Bright Star (sandbox-type) platform, but couldn't really hear much difference, if any, with or without it.

If I'm likely to hear a real benefit an HRS S-1 platform looks appealing. Other recommendations welcome.

that it be cost-effective might be too much to ask, in this hobby.

Showing 1 response by elizabeth

Some, yeah.
I have suspended wood floors. i use a wide, sand filled struts, TV type rack from a bigboxstore.
My TTs are on the top glass, with 5" round 3" tall cement patio blocks under them. The Rega P5 is on a VPI isolation sprung device i got for free, on top of the bricks. The Kuzma is on a hardwood board, which is on rubber stoppers on top of bricks
So my isolation is totally 'duct tape' level junk, but it works fine for me.
Some is good. a lot is for folks who worry a lot.