jan Allaerts cartridges mc1b

Can someone tell me what the manufacturer of the mc1b recommends for tonearm matching in regards to effective mass? What would the manufacturer recommend as an ideal mc1b/effective mass match to realize this cartridges optimum performance? medium or high?
check out vinylengine, catridge database, resonance evaluator. check out galibierdesign website as well. Schroeder is recommended. I m using schroeder 2fw and MC1b
I also run my MC1B in a Schroeder No. 2fw. I use the heavier brass headshell which raises arm mass to about 14-15g. I am measuring the resonance around 10.5 Hz so that this arm mass should be about ideal for the Allaerts.
I use a Breuer 8, latest version. Resonance frequency about 10 Hz horizontal & vertical. Sound is amazing. Setup is even easier. Just line the stylus tip to the edge of the headshell & be done ( confirmed w. a Wally Tractor). Also just align the cartridge side edges w. the headshell. Basically, the easiest setup there is. But finding that out took a bit of effort but to move it around is easy. Haven't put it on my Schroder. Too lazy & love the Titan i there (but I need to do it). Schroder setup takes patience and time to get perfect. The rewards are worth it, but it really takes time especially since it is in the rear position on my table so that no kids can get to it. I use the Brass weight for the Titan i in my Schroder. Big improvement. Trying different size counterweights yeilded the final synergy w. the Titan i. That sealed it & I don't want to go back & start all over again.
Schroeder Model 2 for me with my MC1B. I've used my MC1B in a Hadcock too (whilst waiting for delivery of my Schroeder) with good results.

Thanks guys. I did speak to Jan and he recommends to use arm tubes for 9 -15 gram mass cartridges. This cartridge is 10 grams.
A friend who sadly passed away used a Graham Phantom
with 14g for the Allaerts MC Boron 1 and it sounded really
Allaerts make superlative cartridges.  You're in fine shape sir, the options and considerations for arms at 9-15 gram effective mass are extensive.   Although it might not be ideal on paper, a heavy arm, like the Fidelity Research FR64s might work quite well, although you would have to listen and see.  I was always surprised at how many cartridges are compatible with these legendary arms. 
I am using a Morch DP-6 with a Medium (red) arm tube 7.5g on a Eurolab TT.  This is very good match for my Allaerts MC1B.
Dear @ferrari275: Sir, you said:  """  Allaerts make superlative cartridges. """

I own ( between others. ) Allaerts cartridges and I agree with your statement but it has no sense to me that you recomend to @bonzo75  to try the worst tonearm design ever. Not only comes with a ringing mechanism for its balanced design but the worst part is that's a non-damped design and additional with very old internal wires that are not up to task with any cartridge. Of course that we can use that tonearm if we want destroy the cartridge quality on purpose. Up to each one of us.

The Allaerts deserves any thing but that FR tonearm, it does not matters what other gentlemans think about.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
All, vetterone owns both fr66 and Schroeder and suggested Schroeder for Allaerts... I like the FR on other carts, but don’t think it is a good fit for this. Will have to listen once, but till then, my choices are now down to SME 3012r, brinkmann, EMT, and for a longer term more expensive arm I will look at the Schroeder LT.

I will also be using a Miyajima zero for mono, and some alternate cart like EMT or Decca, and need a second arm, so will look for an fr64 for that.

 I will also be using a Miyajima zero for mono, and some alternate cart like EMT or Decca, and need a second arm, so will look for an fr64 for that.

You can also look for FR64FX (Black one). 

Dear @bonzo75 : Brinkmann could be a good option for any of those great Allaerts. In many ways has son similar design " characteristics " than the very high touted Breuer tonearms.

@chakster , with all respect I think you have no idea of what you posted for the Allaerts cartridge.  Maybe you need to listen to the Formula One or at least the MC2 Finis Gold.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,

I own Allaerts MC2 finish gold but was not able to find any info

about the complience of any Allaerts. I use Sumiko 8oo and

Ikeda 345 as tonearms. Both combinations sound great but

Sumiko is faster. I got the Allaerts recently and also intend to

try with my (silver wired) FR-64 S,

@rauliruegas i have no idea about Allaerts cartridges, they are out of my budget for sure, but if @bonzo75 considering superheavy FR64 then FR64FX is just the same but with a bit lighter mass. I bought this 64FX not so long ago for my FR7f cartridge.  
Dear @chakster : Again, you have no idea what you are talking about and not only because Allaerts but because that worst ever tonearm you are talking . Can you understand what means " a non damped tonearm design and balanced ringing mechanism "? can you?


Dear chakster, Dover explained the issue of ''damping'' in more

technical and convincing way than Raul. The spring in the FR-64

which function as VTF adjuster as well as dynamic balance is loaded

with grease providing this way also damping. Dertonarm who is

an expert for all FR products advised me to use ''spring adjustment''

for 1,25 g and (manual) counterweight adjustment for the rest.

He swear  by FR-66 and FR-7 MC kinds. I deed try them all

and ''swear'' by FR-7 fz. Unbelievable for such an ''old cart''.

''second to non in some sense''.

@nandric thanks, i should get my FR-64FX with heavy counterweight next week, i already sold my Lustre GTS-801 to a friend locally. I like FR-7f cartridge and i want to use it on FR tonearm, at least i need to hear this combo. I also like my Fidelity Research PMC-3 cartridge on Sony PUA-7 tonearm with ZYX Headamp. So i'm a believer in Ikeda-San's products. 

@rauliruegas i know your thoughts on FR tonearms, but i prefer to try things in my system to make my own conclusions, the FR-64FX is not exactly the FR-64s. What i'm not gonna try is those super expensive cartridges like Allaerts and others in the same price range, sorry. 

vetterone owns both fr66 and Schroeder and suggested Schroeder for Allaerts...

Of course he does he builds them for Schroder