jewelers loop

hello, what is the ideal magnification power for inspecting a stylus ?
I have found that at least 200X is needed for a good, close inspection. I found one on Ebay that is used for kraft work and also came with a stand. This doesn't work at all for cartridge setup. I'm thinking something around 20 to 50x might be best for that task.
Isn't this interesting....I just ordered a 20x and a 30x jewelers loop a few days ago.

I will post back in a few days, maybe a week, from now and let you know how it goes after I can spend some time toying around with it. I did find a reasonable website to order from that escapes me at the moment, some Coin Collecting Hobbiest place in Ohio.

I have decided to play with fire and enter the realm of microscopic cartridge set up.
I have a 20X loop. It is okay for the cantilever but not quite strong enough for the stylus.
Check out this thread, it shows the setup I use:
if you remember that website Dlwask, let me know, i am looking for a good reasonable place to purchase one. thanks.
Readster, do a Google search for "pocket microscope" and you'll get a lot of sources. I think they work better than loupes, but do take a little patience/practice. 50x is a good strength, allows you to see the stylus and cantilever at the same time.
I'm thinking about a jeweler's loupe too. I haven't been able to see my stylus at all since '99.
"I haven't been able to see my stylus at all since '99."

Which is long enough to declare it legally dead!
Readster, here you go...

Down the left side of this page there are a few options for loupes with various prices and magnification.

I found others that were cheaper but they charge you like $15 to ship unless you order in bulk.
Radio Shack has an illuminated pocket microscope that works well.
It goes from 25x to 150X (that is just a remembered guess) but it works great. (if you can find the tip of the stylus!
I use a piece of paper and have the edge next to the stylus, so I can find the edge and then move up to the stylus!
Otherwise you risk banging into the stylus when searching for it at over 100x
Shure says that you MUST use a microscope with a least 200X magnification, and that it must have two side lights to reflect off the two sides of the stylus under examination. Also required are photos of new, worn, and extremely worn stylii of the same profile as the one you're looking at. The stereo shop where I purchased cartridges many years ago had the correct equipment. The manager of the shop also examined all new cartridges and replacement stylii to make sure that the stylus was aligned correctly on the cantilever. He found many that were misaligned, which he returned to the suppliers. His suppliers told him that he returned far more new stylii than any other retailer. Obviously, the rest of the retailers did NOT have the correct equipment and/or the experience to use it correctly.
I've read that checking the stylus for wear warrants a special stereo microscope.

However, for everyday (record to record) stylus inspection I use a 20X loop mounted on a stand. It is great for checking the stylus and cantilever for dirt. I position the loupe so it is the right height to check the stylus with the tonearm in its rest. So simple that I check after each side.

Got mine off ebay, below is a link. I have no affiliation with the product.

20X loupe on a stand
I use an old scope I "borrowed" from the Boatny lab when I was in college and I forget to take it back...

Jimrick makes a VERY good point regarding the need to have either experience to draw on or pictures to look at regarding a worn and unworn stylus. I'd wager that the vast majority of folks would not be able to tell whether the stylus was worn or not, even if they had the appropriate optics to see it clearly.
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