Keeping Spend Among System Proportional?

Can I assume that most folks keep the spend amongst components and accessories proportional or, in line between the entire system?

For example, here's how I spread my budget:

Amp $2k
(integrated w/Phono)
TT $3k
(arm direct wired)
Cartridge $600
Speakers $1000
Speaker Cables TBD

Has anyone ever thought they had a component that punches out of their weight class and felt justified in spending out of proportion?

For example has anyone spent more on their cart than their TT? Spent more on their speaker cables than their speakers? More on their arm than their TT? etc.

Curious to hear about some of those examples.

I may have the budget to reasonably spend around $800 on speaker cables but, feel compelled to keep in the $300 range.


Showing 1 response by chaskelljr2001

. Speakers -- $3K

. Electronics (Preamp and Power Amp or Integrated, and Phono Preamp) -- $3K to $6K+ (Depending On Speaker System)

. Digital (CD Player or Transport, Music Streamer, DAC) -- $1.5K to $3.5K

. Turntable -- $3K (-/+)

. Phono Cartridge -- $400.00 to $1.5K

. Interconnects and Cables -- TBD
