Leben integrated amps and Merlin VSM

Has anyone tried either the Leben CS-300 or CS-600 integrated amps (or even the CS-660P amp) with the Merlin VSMs?

How do they compare with the Ars-Sonum Filarmonia integrated amp or the Berning ZH-270 (that is the ZH-270 connected to a preamp; not standalone). I have both the Ars and the Berning and before I sent my Merlins to Bobby for an upgrade, I found myself still partial to the Berning/Joule combination. I'm anxious to get my Merlins back so I can spend more time listening to the Filarmonia. Nevertheless I would be curious what others thought of the Leben integrated amps.


Showing 4 responses by tvad

I owned a Leben CS600 and used it with Castle Howard II loudspeakers. That particular combo was outstanding. Three dimensional. Juicy. Lots of fun.

The CS600 on Sonata III loudspeakers didn't work nearly as well. I cannot recommend that pairing.

How would the Leben CS600 work with the Merlin speakers? Unknown, but the odds are in favor of a good result, IMO.
01-12-10: Dob
Bobby from Merlin is always show his speakers with Joule-Electra amplifier...FWIW, that is match made in heaven.
I agree. The Merlin room always sounds exceptional, and if one wants the sound produced in the room from those speakers, then IMO one is best served by buying into the Merlin/Joule/Cardas system concept. Bobby has the sound so refined, why mess with the formula?
Also Bobby's other formula is the Merlin/Ars-Sonum Filarmonia/Cardas...would you mess with this formula?
Dpe (Answers)
No, I wouldn't, and after I posted my previous comment I wished that I had remembered to include the Ars Sonum option.