Legacy audio manufacturers

I'm sure this has been brought up before but does everyone remember some of the older (now legacy) audio component manufacturers? I'm wondering whatever happened to brands such as Nikko, Optimus, Kyocera, Nakamichi, Advent, KLH, AR, etc. My very first official (albeit used) audio system back in the 70s consisted of a monstrous Sherwood receiver, KLH bookshelf speakers and an AR turntable. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by stereo5

Optimus was/is a Radio Shack brand. Nikko made nice inexpensive receivers in the early 70's. Their tuners were excellent. I had a nice Sherwood receiver back in the very early 70's. I remember Stereo Review gave it a glowing review so I just had to have it. I traded a Sansui receiver that I had towards the Sherwood. The Sansui sounded much better.

Advent has been resurrected with different speakers. Remember Bozak? I had a pair of them back in the mid to late 70's. What about Rectilinear speakers? I think they were made in the Bronx in New York. I had a pair of 3a floor standing speakers which I bought off my college roommate for 200.00. When the newer and improved upgraded 7's came out, I stupidly sold the 3a's. That was over 39 years ago and I still regret it to this day.