LFD zero vs plinius 9200 vs MF A5 for spendor 8se


I'm trying to find a matching integrated amp for my spendor 8se. Price range is sub $2k for used. Plinius 9200, LFD zero and musical fidelity A5 are on my list. Any advice? Best match? Other recommendation?



Showing 2 responses by ryder

Does anybody own a Plinius amp prior to trying the LFD Zero Mk3 amp? I am wondering whether the LFD integrated would be a significant improvement to my Plinius and ARC combination. I'm currently looking at some good high-end integrateds as an alternative to my separates and the LFD(apart from the French-made Lavardin IT) has peaked my interest.

Has anybody compared the LFD Zero MkIII back-to-back with the Lavardin IT? Are these two integrateds in another level compared to the Plinius SA-100MkIII/ARC LS-16 combination in terms of quality and performance(taking system matching out of the context)?

Thanks in advance.
I am answering my own question above. I have listened to the LFD Zero MkIII in my system yesterday. There was no comparison. In my system and to my ears the LFD is a superior unit to both Plinius/ARC separates and NVA integrated. The speakers used were Harbeth SHL-5's and the combination between the two could be described as a match made in heaven, just like what Sam Tellig had been preaching when he used the LFD to drive his Compact 7ES-3.