Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way so please set me aright if I am but I believe Salectric's and Volleyguy1's ears to be as good as anyone else's here. Name dropping a bunch of folk who like what they hear and prefer it to what's currently favored doesn't amount to a hill of beans. It's simply a preference on what they hear and favor.

Is this how cults start?

There's an old saw that goes something like:
"I'll defend anyone searching for the truth but will fight anyone who claims to have found it."

I think that applies here.

There is no 'absolute sound'. Even from different makes, what this tinned wire does is pretty amazing. My Supras offer the best compromise yet in my system. (Notice I'm not afraid to use the word 'compromise' since that's exactly what it is).

This is the second time folk have been denigrated for their views. The first time it was 'misunderstood humor'. It could be I'm being too thinned skinned since this is an online forum but that's my take.

All the best,
Jetrexpro, All,
Check. "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" in this thread. The thread title is: "Looking for Really Fine Cables at Really Low Price." So, maybe a reality check is in order since somehow, the WE16ga is being compared and contrasted against $15,000 Tara Labs, 20,000 Euro Siltec, with the inexpensive $1.49 running twin foot WE16ga holding its own, comparing favorably, maybe overall as good or better as these other speaker wires?

Once again there are no "absolute" best anything, but Jeff Day via Yazaki-san presented the WE16ga in his Blog/Positive Feedback review Yazaki-san SPEC Real Sound Amp as well as Yazaki-san's own reference speaker wire and interconnect, WE16ga/Belden 8402. This information presented an unprecedented opportunity for "Timbral Listeners" to obtain a worldclass speaker/interconnect that could potentially fulfill their listening bias at real world prices. Albeit a small window of opportunity due to the extreme limited quantities of the WE. I believe some folks forget the thread purpose, get lost within the nit picks of audiophile reviewer parlance. Simply put, this is a wonderful wire by any calculator. To me, to my ears, it has everything I want/need. If it is not your cup of tea/Java, stick with what you like better.
You are way, way, off base. I stated, "I am guessing your ears aren't better than the rest of us." Meaning, your ears must be similar. Funny, you complemented me for referencing the Day/Yazaki-san tinned copper threads, when it met with your belief about tinned copper/Supra. No cult here buddy, just giving credit where credit is due, which so many here do not do. In my education I learned how to footnote and cite where information was coming from. Cult, give me a break!

The real ludicrous part in the thread is this was supposed to be about good really low cost cables. Not mega-cost, what most Audiophiles don't have and can't afford. Geez, and to compare them against the WE and admit they are close save for a little extension and inner detail. Sort of demonstrates how good the WE is and how far off topic some folks drift.
Further, your reference of this quote, "I'll defend anyone searching for the truth but will fight anyone who claims to have found it," is misapplied in this case. I have stated over and over there are no absolute "best" in this hobby. I search for truth in sound/music but it is damn hard to find, and you aren't going to find it in $15,000 Tara Labs or 20,000 plus grand Siltec either. What was making me enthusiastic about the WE and Belden was that even a beginner with modest bucks and a modest system could afford something like these cables that would help them on the path, a benchmark at reasonable cost. There was enough positive input from many other audiophiles and my own listening to determine that it was worth bringing up in this thread. Oh, and how many designers and reviewers tell you plainly what their listening bias is, where "they are coming from" to help you make an informed choice; and to answer your question, yes, you are thin-skinned; but I won't hold that against you, wish you the best, Rob
Jeff Day is intrigued by your email to him and he states, "After reading Bill Dion’s comment about how well he liked the interconnects he made using vintage Western Electric WE16GA wire, I was intrigued and thought I’d give it a try too. Many thanks to Bill for such an awesome comment!

Well, you should go to Day's Blog, read for yourself, he made your interconnect, has pictures and comments. Best, Rob