Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Signature8 when I made shielded ICs with WE Stranded 16g wire I remember ordering 1/2inch shield. It was very hard threading two conductors through the shield so you need plenty of room.
@jetrexpro   I had a similar experience with diffuse sound using WE stranded for a power supply going to my digital re-clocker.   My system doesn't like silver so I stayed with WE copper solid core.  Since the PS is only 12vdc, I tried 2 types of 20ga vintage wire from Tajacobs - tinned and un-tinned.  More clarity as you observed.  Preferred the un-tinned for better tone.  Yet, I'm still enjoying WE 16ga tinned stranded as speaker wire.  Go figure!
Steakster I also prefer stranded speaker wire over solid core. Currently happiest with Audio Note Lexus lintz after trying many.
I haven’t had the opportunity to try the AN Lexus. But, agree on the Litz configuration. From WyWires, I have a USB, IC and PC.
Just put back in the only other pair of speaker cables I have that display the same vintage (real sounding) tone that I get from the WE wire and they consist of multiple, 26awg 6N copper wires individually insulated in cotton in a specific geometry on top (HF and MF) and quad connected 16 awg 4N copper in cotton to the LF so the aggregate is 16 awg on top and 13 awg on the bottom.  Being solid core and untinned, they do sound different from the stranded tinned WE wire I have been using (dual 10awg pairs to each speaker) but they have pretty much the same tone and the differences are subtle...maybe a little less warmth and slightly more incisiveness but not quite the fullness provided by the 10 awg WE wires although not lean in any respect.  Trade-offs but very similar tone.  WE wires are back on the Cable Cooker for a tune-up.