Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Before I start cooking thanksgiving dinner I wanted to update this thread about using WE16gauge stranded wire as power supply to ground and b+ in my WE91a 300b amp. It has a warmth and musical tone that draws me into the music. Slightly diffuse which makes sense since it is stranded wire. That diffuse quality adds a depth and richness that is very pleasing but also a bit muddy in my system. There is a euphonic quality that also bothers me a bit. Meaning - a basic sameness to the overall sound tamber that now is present on every recording. A slight grayish color present especially in the lower Mids. 

I pulled the WE16g wire ten days ago and replaced it with 14guage solid core pure silver wire. The silver wire of course makes the sound less diffuse since it is solid core and not stranded. The sound of this wire keeps changing daily so it’s too soon to render any conclusion. Today after ten days it sounds warm but not euphonic. That grayish overall tonal color of the WE wire is gone. I like the solidity of the images. I like the tonality and additional clarity. Warm and clean and musical on it’s good days and on the bad days slightly thin and overly bright. I hate breaking in wire.

what I find about WE16guage stranded wire of course only pertains to my system which with 300b tubes and Audio Note speakers tends towards the warm and textured side already. This wire is adding to the sound I already have so it would make sense that I would find the WE wire additive. We’ll see in a few more days how I ultimately find the silver wire to sound.

Signature8 when I made shielded ICs with WE Stranded 16g wire I remember ordering 1/2inch shield. It was very hard threading two conductors through the shield so you need plenty of room.
@jetrexpro   I had a similar experience with diffuse sound using WE stranded for a power supply going to my digital re-clocker.   My system doesn't like silver so I stayed with WE copper solid core.  Since the PS is only 12vdc, I tried 2 types of 20ga vintage wire from Tajacobs - tinned and un-tinned.  More clarity as you observed.  Preferred the un-tinned for better tone.  Yet, I'm still enjoying WE 16ga tinned stranded as speaker wire.  Go figure!
Steakster I also prefer stranded speaker wire over solid core. Currently happiest with Audio Note Lexus lintz after trying many.
I haven’t had the opportunity to try the AN Lexus. But, agree on the Litz configuration. From WyWires, I have a USB, IC and PC.