looking for truly transparent affordable amp s

I'm looking for recommendations for amps in the 100 + watt area that are highly transparent, coming in under $2500 on the used market. I have 3 systems that include Meadowlark Audio Hot Rod Herons, BG Corp 520DX, and custom speakers similar to Legacy Focus using Eton drivers. The custom speakers are paired with a JAS Array 2.1 SET amp using 805 and 300B tubes. This is my reference for transparent sound. Source has ranged from a Consonance Droplet 5.0, to Modwright and Upgrade Co modded Oppo players (83SE), and a Cambridge Audio 851C (which I hope to have modded as well) all driving the amp direct. I don't like preamps. I'm looking for a similarly transparent amp to drive the BG Corp speakers and the Meadowlarks. I recently acquired a gainclone built with premium parts and love the sound; it's quite a clear window on the original performance. But it just doesn't have the power to drive any of the speakers to the levels I like to listen at so I'm looking for an amp capable of this level of transparency and detail, with sharply defined images. Any recommendations? I have Gamut on my short list. And may I ad that in the last few years I've had the following amps and none come close to the level of transparency I'm looking for:

Theta Intrepid (used to biamp)
bridged Pathos Classic One MK III
Wyred 4 Sound ST-500
Sim Audio I-5 LE
Consonance Calaf (tubed version)

Amps that had promise but didn't quite make it:

VAS Citation II EL34 monoblocks
Audio Zone integrated gainclone
Cambridge Audio 840W

Thanks in advance for your input

Showing 1 response by jrinkerptdnet

the First Watt amps are VERY transparent but may not have enough power ... hard to say for sure without actually trying. sometimes WEIRD combos that look terrible on "paper" actually work quite well in practice

if you are avoiding preamps altogether you may want a digital source with a higher than normal variable output - I believe there are some that will output 8v or more (but usually only that high with XLR)

good luck!