looking for tube recommedations for Cary SLI-80


Need your experience re which 6SN7 an 6922 tubes to get to replace the stock tubes in a Cary SLI-80. I'm interested in NOS tubes. Also looking for a good quad of EL-34s (not NOS) to try in place of the 6550s.

thanks for your help

That's a pretty deep question. It depends on your speakers, front end, music preferences, etc. What kind of sound are you looking for? In 6SN7's Tung Sol, RCA, Sylvania and Raytheon are gold standards, but each will give a different sound. The RCA's are the most romantic tubes, and Raytheons are closer to solid state. In 6922's, Telefunken, Siemens 7308, Amperex 6DJ8 or 7308, Tungsram and Mullards are all good, but beware of fakes on e-bay. Each will give a different sound. Best thing is to counter-balance 6SN7 and 6922, e.g., RCA 6SN7 with Siemens 7308 or Amperex 6DJ8, Raytheon with Telefunken.


I have Klipsch speakers and the horns can be pretty bright, so I looking to tame the high end a little realitive to the the mids. I do not need a solid state sound, too bright with the horns. Sounds like the RCA's 6SN7's may fit the bill. I will not buy EBay, am looking at Upscale Audio or Vacuum Tube Valley for tubes.


Don't neglect the rectifier tubes. They can have a big influence on the sound of the SLI-80. My current favorites are NOS Mullard 5AS4s.
I recently purchased a SLI-80 and picked up some Sylvania 6sn7's and Amperex 6dj8's at Tubedepot.com and they sound great. I am using EH KT88's in place of the 6550's. They sound great, but I haven't really rolled the power tubes enough at this point to have a frame of reference. I would like to try some NOS Tung Sol 6550's, but they are pricey.

Good luck!

Thanks for your responses.

John, I am planning on replacing the rectifiers, I was thinking of NOS RCA or Sylvania 5U4GT's from the 40's or 50's, but I'll start looking at the 5AR4's also. What other rectifiers have you tried ? Do you have any opinion about the above named 5U4's ?

Cruz123 at the moment I too am using the EH KT88's , a real nice tube. I also want to get a quad of EL34's just to see how they sound in the triode mode.

Audiophelia the 6SN7's real short list is the Sylvania or Rayethon NOS tubes I've been reading about on vintage tube services web site and Upscale Audio.

The 6992 choice is coming to NOS Amperex or Telefunkin not sure which.


Larry, I would check the specks before subbing in 5AR4s as these are not a direct substitute for the 5U4s. In my experience with the SLI-80 I would stay away from 5U4GTBs (note the 'B'). These are the straight sided tubes with the higher rating, 275ma vs. 225ma. They made my amp too hard and bright. I also like the Syl. 6SN7GTAs from the 1950s. These are the box plate , not the angled plate versions. What will really make a difference is finding driver tubes with really well matched triode sections. I test mine on a VTV Dual Triode Tester. My favorite 6922s are the Amperex 'white label' PQs. If these are too bright you can try some 1960s Mullard 6DJ8s with the steel pins. They CAN sound wonderful; but are prone to noise and microphonics. If you use them you might have to buy and test a few to get a good pair. Good luck and have fun! JT

Never tried 5AR4's in mine. From what I've read, 5U4G is better rectifier for this amp. Why do you want to switch to 5AR4's?

I decieded to use a used old stock RCA from the 40's as a rectifier after talking to Andy at vintage tube services. A pair which tested good cost 36 dollars.
