LP Record Cleaning Machine - Ultrasonic or Vacuum

I am new to analog and am considering to get a record cleaning machine. There are some comments that the ultrasonic may damage fine patterns oinside the tracks of old records and resulting in lost of high frequency extention. Would anyone have any comments or experience on the issue.

Thank you in advance for your responses.

Showing 2 responses by roscoeiii


What ultrasonic cleaner are you using? I have seen the loong DIY ultrasonic cleaner thread at diyaudio.com, and that looks mighty promising, though even still, the ultrasonic cleaners, especially those using 60kHz are pretty pricey still.
My understanding is that they just don't clean as well. I have seen a few reports of folks building their own on the DIYAudio forum who got cheap ultrasonic machines only to upgrade to a better machine later. The DIYAudio thread would be a good place to look/ask for answers.